Gun Talk


I’m looking for someone who has a wide range of Russian 5.45 magazines to test my followers in. Preferably would like to test in molot 5.45...
Hey everyone has anybody threaded or replaced the front sight post on Saiga ak47 . Is it worth doing
Just sharing another great finish and build that i just finished. And she joins the family haha. I went with almost black finish with extra time...
Just got one complete Handguards with what I think it's a tiger and it was purchased for 20.00 Euros lol. This set and one more i was going to...
Just bought this SKS and was curious the year. Can anyone help? Anything interesting about it, or just your regular Russian SKS? There is no...
I previously had a 1961 Izzy AK done by my builder and later fell into a partial 1961 Tula kit for a great deal and we just completed the project...
After some debate, I've decided to show off a little project i'm testing out. The original file is not my design. After printing the halves in...
Anyone else a little disappointed with what happened with this project? I was looking forward to a AKV521 at home.
Edit: I figured it out. The pin on the gas block bayonet lug acts as a overtravel stop for the bipod. Does anyone know what the peg on the WZ 96...
After years of carrying a Glock of some sort, I slowly started falling out of the striker fired platforms for hammer fired double action single...
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This initially was a Century Sporter FAL with an Imbel receiver. Initially I was considering using the receiver for an STG FAL parts kit but a...
Bought this 1921 hex Mosin from a guy on here a few months back, finish was in terrible condition, and it was already a post war re-finish, so I...
I previously bought and purchased an AR-15 Vietnam era and had the opportunity to pick up a Chinese Type 56 rubber trainer. This is a unique...
Just got my build North Korean AK today. From what I understand the gas tubes are rolled, and not a tube. This one seems to be a tube and not...
I've herd mixed reviews of the recent import of the wasr-3. Do anyone of you own one and have any advice to offer? on this gamble I took here 😅 thanks
Looking for help. What am I missing to complete my build so I can send it in. Also, do you recommend anyone?
How much of space needs to be between the javs? I just installed the tool and I was wondering if they need to be flushed or some space
Finally got my German FAL G1 completed. Very happy with how the rifle turned out. As usual my builder knocked it out of the park. The “diorama”...
Just wanted to show off one of my favorite pieces. I have other favorites but this is one of my favorite, favorites, 😂. I have others I will do...
For beginners easy Rust Bluing and perfect results. I think if you are building your own kit and want to save money on the finish this is it. So...
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Can someone please help me find a Russian AKS74U (Krink) sling like the one in the picture
$75 wasn't a bad price I guess, considering what some folks charge for a dong these days. Tragically, someone carved "NUT" into the side of mine...
I currently own a stainless Seecamp and really like it for certain limited use situations. The size is great and it is an exceptionally well made...
Firt post here, name is Justin. From somewhere in Ohio ha ha. Always, figured it best to start with a banger. Lucked into an original barrel...
So in my various forums I occasionally come across unusual items that intrigue me and I buy them and post them on here. This one is interesting in...
Edit: I got an AK-100 gas tube and a proper grenade launcher push button recoil spring guide. Edit 2: Acquired a Type C or "half-tic" rear sight...
Hey all! Today, I purchased a 84 Norinco in 556. It came without a bolt, but has the bolt carrier and no mag. In my opinion I got it for a steal...
I like asking questions here on this forum because people are nicer haha. Ok so I'm getting ready to order a receiver from and I...
I have a M70 gas block and front sight that I want to replace original with also I have demilled it. I just don't want to do it but will if have...
I ended up scoring a nice basic parts lot with barrel, bolt, bolt carrier, trunnion and a few other parts so my builder and I decided to build an...
Compiled the Saiga-12 and both the KUSA's! Also got the cans approved on them- looking solid! And yes, that is the "STizon" conversion kit on the KP9.
I have a Yugo M70 new model I have managed to do night sight and I was wondering if from early Yugo M70 gas block with Sight Ladder and front...
Original post ban Arsenal SLR-95 milled AK-47 with the somewhat rare double tang modification. I had been searching for a regular stock milled...
A couple months ago I snagged a Russian Ratnik Spetsnaz utility tool and stumbled on the Ratnik watch for the Russian special forces. Ironically...
Ok so today we have something a little different. I stumbled on this in a Gunbroker auction and loved the history and unique nature of it and...
Saw this decently priced Salty Nazi Waffenamt proof stamped FN 1922 .32 caliber pistol so I snagged it. While the finish is rough it is a sweet...
Hey guys, I was told to come here for some magazine help. I am a long time poster on and on the AKforum. I need some mag ID help. My...
About a year ago I saw one of these Russian Spetsnaz Ratnik Multi-tools and Have been trying to hunt one down for a while. Well recently my...
As some of you may know we’ve recently received our 07 FFL. If you have a kit laying around collecting dust please feel free to reach out.
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Last month I was able to pick up a NIB SAIGA in 7.62x39 for $600. The rifle has a 2013 production date. Very excited to do a 103 conversion.
I have a Walther PPS M2 that I've been carrying daily since 2018. Recently, I've been less concerned about printing, so I've been willing to carry...
I want to clean up some old bakelite I have. I've got mags, but more importantly bayonets, an EG lower handguard, and AK/M16 grips. I want to...
A close friend of mine was checking out the local forums and came across a pair of new unfired Chinese Arsenal 26 SKS rifles and pointed them out...
Finally got to look at a cool gun that's been in the family for ages. A Colt Single Action Army in .44-40 with a black powder frame and a "Colt...
Years ago I picked up a West German Police Walther P1 with original police holster and two magazines. I got a great deal on it compared to today’s...
Realized we do not have an Every Day Carry Gun Talk thread. So I am posting my current every day carry. A Glock 43X with a fifteen round Gen 2...
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Paid 140 and felt like it was still too much even after talking down from 200. I got a monkey brain neuron reaction after seeing something I knew...
Another amazing completed build by my builder Andre, Just wanted to give him a shout out here. 1962 Russian RPK on a recreator receiver. An...
I’m having trouble finding the proper stripper clips for this gun. It’s chambered in 7.63x53. I’ve went down countless rabbit holes trying to...
I have been on a bit of SAP kick lately and finally sourced an old school police prison style Ox Blood Custom leather SAP. It pairs nicely with my...
A few months ago I scored a couple Rhodesian Operations plaques and loved them so I did some research and discovered there were 8 operations that...
Recently I have been on a Rhodesia kick and after I read Chris Cocks (yes that is his name) book Fire Force about his time in the Rhodesian Light...
Good evening everyone, I had been on the hunt for some affordable Aksu hand guards but had not been able to find a single set for less than 225...
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Where can I get a bayonet lug welded on?
After spending some time hunting down what I'd need, I pulled the trigger on getting as a aesthetically close to an AK-15 as I could. Then I...
I've been looking for a heavier caliber carry and was thinking about going 10mm. I've whittled it down to the following models. The Glock 20SF...
For a long time I had wanted a Trench shot gun and was fortunate to stumble into a really good local deal for this WWII Winchester 1897 Trench...
making the sam5 into an rpk, i’m pretty confident in populating the barrel but if anyone has any tips on installing the barrel / head spacing that...
Picked this up for a great deal and figured I would share it in Gun Talk. The M120 was the primary sight for the M139 20mm auto-loading cannon and...
Well this was a bit of a journey. Several months back I bought this Milled Bulgarian 7.62x39 Under Folder on OUR site for a very good deal from a...
I've gone a little shotgun crazy this spring, so keeping in line with that theme, I decided to splurge a little on something special for my...
Nothing too wild for the first post on here. Just a KP9 with a Kobra, streamlight, AFG on the Zenitclone furniture, ArmTac suppressor and some PUF...
Just want to leave a little how-to guide for reprofiling a lower AK9 handguard to fit a KP9, feel like it'd be helpful info. When you first get...
Just want to share these because they look pretty nice. I sent some 30s to a very good friend to be cut down and I'm pretty impressed with how...
So I have been on a bit of a Rhodesia kick with reading several books involving the Selous Scouts, SAS, and RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) and...
I recently purchased a Chinese drum, with 3 Chinese mags. The other two was the traditional flatbacks. I am not so sure what this one is. It...
Og barreled polish tantal kit build on a Childers receiver. This this is a blast to shoot, very light recoil impulse
Hello Sports Fans, today I am putting up my recently finished Russian Side Folder AK-74 in 5.56. My builder and I decided to go with 5.56 as a...
I am a huge fan of the .380 caliber and probably have 25-30 now having collected them over a few decades. One I had always thought was cool but...
I need a Chinese gas block with bayonet lug. I’ve seen where people weld on metal and file to shape. Anyone out there provide this service? Or...
Made in 1939, one of the last produced before the invasion. It is probably the most finely made military pistol I have ever seen, with impeccable...
My buddy has an original Remington 1100 Tactical 22" 12GA. It's beautiful, runs great, and I've wanted one for a really long time. Finding one in...
I put 100 rounds through my M92 before wanting a proper stock. Waited 10 months before doing much else with it. Since the Form-1 cleared, I've...