Gun Talk Project Aksu Hand Guards

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Good evening everyone, I had been on the hunt for some affordable Aksu hand guards but had not been able to find a single set for less than 225 dollars. So I purchased an Arsenal set like most do and I started kicking around the idea about designing a set in wood. Thought to myself, it could not be too hard. I reached out to a friend with access to a cnc machine so we got to work measuring and prototyping on the computer. We eventually designed this set and made them a reality! I wanted to get others opinions and thoughts. Is this a product that others would want me to bring to the market at an obvious affordable price? Thank you all for taking the time to read this post and enjoy the photos!

Latest Questions and Comments

What would the price be roughly for a set? Hardware included? With finish?
The price would probably be roughly 125 as you see it in the photo. It takes about 4 hours on the cnc machine at low speed to make both pieces plus touch up time with the sand paper to get it where you see it. Plus factoring in the cost of wood. I’m not set up just yet for staining and finishing. Who ever does buy it off me would do their own fitting and finishing.
Outstanding solution. Well done.


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