Feedback profile - ColtBTD

Feedback summary

Feedback score
5 (+5 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a buyer posting feedback on ColtBTD as seller
Great communication and shipping was quick!
I am a buyer posting feedback on ColtBTD as seller
Excellent comms, fast shipping, and a damn good deal! Buy with confidence
I am posting feedback on ColtBTD
Good seller, good communication, exactly as described
Classified ad: Sold Tula Plums x2
I am a seller posting feedback on ColtBTD as buyer
Great buyer paid with no issues and was immediate. Also had great conversation with him about love of the ak platforms!
Classified ad: Want to Sell Jager SSO SPOSN Ratnik rig
I am a buyer posting feedback on ColtBTD as seller
Good product pricing, great communication, quick to ship. Would do business with again.