The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


I need a Chinese gas block with bayonet lug. I’ve seen where people weld on metal and file to shape. Anyone out there provide this service? Or...
Made in 1939, one of the last produced before the invasion. It is probably the most finely made military pistol I have ever seen, with impeccable...
My buddy has an original Remington 1100 Tactical 22" 12GA. It's beautiful, runs great, and I've wanted one for a really long time. Finding one in...
I put 100 rounds through my M92 before wanting a proper stock. Waited 10 months before doing much else with it. Since the Form-1 cleared, I've...
Picked up this Russian Soviet invasion year Tokarev on another forum for what I would call a smoking price $750. The pistol came with three...
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Picked this up over the weekend for 2k. Feel like I did pretty well.
Just wanted to shout to the guys that set this site up, much appreciated for making it a simple and laid back place to buy and sell. Other...
I'm planning on going through the process of converting a 223 saiga into a 102 and wanted to get a list of all the parts I'll need, from my...
This one sports a special custom muzzle device made by Chris Butler of AK-USA. Pinned and weld with a Roma Dong for shooting in the Nevada...
The MARS .25 inspired me to post my Polish VIS-35 9mm pistol. So the history here is clear and really cool. This is a pistol that time essentially...
A MARS . 25 automatic, not to be confused with a CZ DUO. The MARS brand are numbered less than a few thousand left. The last one sold 2 years ago...
During the Vietnam conflict Green Beret Special forces were given missions in places we were not technically supposed to be like Cambodia. In...
What's your favorite AK variant that you own? What are you still looking to aquire? It doesn't have to be practical or make sense. Ownership isnt...
Happy Lunar New Year! As an American born Chinese, the Chicom weapons and gear have always been my grails. I’ve had this hat and chest rig for...
So I got some awesome Galil Heat stickers last year on the Files and I realized I needed a Galil ARM to add to my AK collection and over the...
I have these 2 wood sets I got a few years ago from a Russian guy. Both were NOS undrilled unfitted etc. The red one with the plywood underside he...
Finally scored a Japanese WWII Nambu Type 14 G.I. bring back. This one appears to be dated August of 1943. I had been wanting one for awhile but...
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Howdy everyone! I figured I'd add my babies to the forum and just speak on what I plan to do for them and any future AKs I want. I'm pretty new...
Read an article in which Brad Pitt refused to wear the American tanker googles and used these Russian ones instead and thought they would be a...
Picked up this vest the other day it came with the matching back pack that clips on as well as a holster and other assorted pouches. The seller...
So I just received a small batch of surplus from an eBay seller. Most of it was pretty straightforward to identify, but there was also a "DP-28"...
Snagged a reasonably cool item for photos and what not. Russian MVZ-57 Pressure Fuze. Used with the TM-57 Tank Mine. I believe this one is from 1976:
So I had plum Arsenal furniture on my Sam5 and had decided I would upgrade once I found a great deal. Managed to source an entire Russian type 3...
So I got a deal from my ffl on an unfired 1994 Mak-90 for $800 and my biggest concern was if it was a slant cut or straight cut and it turns out...
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This was a build kit I was looking to do when I fell into a great deal from a fellow Combloc'er so I sold the kit and bought this rifle. Here are...
Finally got my original Chinese Spiker done properly. When I first had it done the gunsmith was unable to fit the cleaning rod and we had the...
Currently looking for one if anyone has one or has a lead on one message me!
Here's to my curiousity wondering how far west this forum likes to go? A few picks from my modest collection. Still looking for the right Jericho...
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I know this is gun talk but I have a similar thread on the files and thought I would post this here. I recently did some horse trades and wound up...
So my builder and I had a discussion about a Tula Krinkov Russian kit he built that cost around $5500 all together and he said I can build you a...
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I have a sporterized Izzy saiga I’ve been wanting to get converted, I found Blackbush armory online and wanted to see if anyone has experience...
I was told awhile back that the Kobra I have is more rare/desirable because it has the blue EAA import stamp/logo. Is that so? Or is it no...
Figured I’d show where I put my combloc market stickers! Again, I appreciate the stickers and all the work the admins do to keep this page running...
A few from the collection. Sold a few, added a few. Circle 10 74 built on unissued OG kit, Intrac II Romanian 74, PARS Maadi, Lancaster "Russian...
A couple of recent pick ups from a large trade. A Microtech Halo and a Rob Dalton Mini left hand. Both knives are automatic and the Halo is a...
So I recently did a trade locally and scored a couple of Buckheimer new old school police SAPS and I love them. The spring loaded one would...
I have a draco that I want to install a folding triangle stock on, but I'm not sure which size trunnion to opt for.
Going through some shit I put up a long time ago and realized how many different types of ammo I had and used to buy and had forgotten about. The...
Finally got my hands on one of these and wanted to share a few pics.
While not strictly "gun" talk this is an awesome book I think many here would enjoy reading. Attention sports fans this book is a brutal...
Some pics of my 1987 ((10)) kit build. Built by the Armory in Birmingham, AL. Recreator 80%, Izzy plum furniture. OG barrel
Picked this East German Makarov up here from a great seller in the marketplace and thought I would put it up here with a few pictures. The Minox...
Couple of my favorite 9mm’s. Noveske Space Invader and KP9.
A great seller I found of all things Makarov had a unique set of grips. An experimental Bulgarian Bakelite with twine mixed in from the 1980's. So...
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I had been looking awhile for a deal on a Spetsnaz Survival Hatchet and a great source locally for combloc related items came through big time and...
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Snagged a really nice Plum 6x5 Izzy Bayonet from the marletplace. Looks great on my Arsenal SGL-41:
Picked up 7 Chinese steel (flat backs?) and a norinco bakelite for 10$ a piece at a flea market. Some floor plates are marked made on China, just...
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Cheek Risers for beryl collapsible stocks are near completion
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AMD-63 Kool-Aide finally done, my builder did an amazing job, he fabricated the sling swivel in order to mount a sling. I went with a Blue Soviet...
Says on the site that the dude is in PA. Does that mean his products are too? Anyone here use this site before? I know it says that he's a one man...
Pretty sure this is a fairly rare Bulgarian "fattie" grip but wanted to verify, and also value. Thanks!
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These are the kinds of deals that make this site worth supporting and to help grow. A fantastic seller from Sweden posted this bayonet which is a...
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Well had a good run at the FFL's this past week and among the batch of guns I managed to snag was this 1974 Made in West Germany PPK/S for $325...
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Good afternoon Combloc. I needed a price check on selling a PK-01 optic that has its carry bag and paperwork but has issues with its emitter as it...
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Ok so when AoA had the Blue Hungarian stocks I decided why not do a build? This is the final stages. I will post a full discussion on the build...
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Ok had some fun with this one. I previously purchased an SGL-41 with black Arsenal furniture and found a great plum set for a fantastic price HERE...
Snatched a Molot 5.56 45rnd and just wanted to see what the going rate for one atm.
Great day to celebrate freedom from Reddit
Thinking of getting rid of entire collection
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11 hours in to a 16hr cook. 11 lb brisket on a green mountain pellet grill
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Recent Commie Killer pick up
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