
Combloc Market Guidelines

Combloc Market Guidelines

  1. Prohibited Items: Trading illegal items of any kind is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in immediate banning.
  2. Bumping Rules:
    • General users may bump up to 3 posts every 48 hours.
    • Contributors may bump up to 3 posts every 24 hours.
  3. Secure Payments for New Users: Users with fewer than 10 completed trades and are not Approved Traders must use secure payment methods, such as PayPal Goods and Services. Payment services without buyer protection are discouraged.
  4. Timestamp Requirement:
    • A timestamp is a handwritten note with your username and the current date, written on a piece of paper.
    • The timestamp must be visibly placed next to the item in the photo included in your "Want to Sell" or "Want to Trade" listing.
    • Users with fewer than 10 completed trades must include timestamps for all listings. Approved Traders with 10 or more trades are exempt, though timestamps are encouraged.
    • If you have qualifying feedback from other reputable platforms, let us know, and we'll update your Trade Points.
  5. Trade Points:
    • Trade Points differ from feedback. Earning 10 postive feedback on Combloc Market earns you 10 Points, granting Approved Trader status.
    • If external feedback is verified, the user will have 10 Trade Points displayed and be upgraded to Approved Trader independently from feedback earned on Combloc Market.
    • Trade Points are only awarded at certain milestones such as your first trade and once you reach 10 trades.
  6. Dibs System: The first user to comment with "Dibs," "I'll take it," or similar phrases secures the item at the asking price. Negotiations must occur before claiming dibs. Violating this rule may lead to a temporary ban.
  7. No Spamming:
    • Users may post a maximum of 3 listings every 48 hours.
    • Contributors may post up to 3 listings every 24 hours.
    • Only 3 active ads are allowed per user at a time (including bumped ads) to ensure fair visibility.
  8. Be Respectful: Treat all members with politeness and respect. Harassment or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
  9. No Outside Links: Only Approved Vendors may include links to external websites. Contact an Admin to become an Approved Vendor.
  10. No Auction-Style Posts: Listings with "make an offer" or auction formats are not allowed. Create a price-check post if unsure of your item's value, then follow up with a trade or sale post.
  11. Follow all Laws: All sales, trades, and interactions must comply with local, state, and federal laws.
  12. Exercise Due Diligence: Combloc Market is a communication platform and does not facilitate trades, handle payments, or resolve disputes. Users must verify the legitimacy of buyers and sellers.