Want to Trade Zastava M77 [SOLD]

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Hi there!

Looking to trade my Zastava M77, dressed up as an M76 (plus a little over 60 rounds of various .308 ammo), for a 5.56 Beryl. In lieu of this, I'd also take $1500 for all of it (roughly $1800 into it, plus the ammo). Rifle has less than 200 rounds through it, and zero issues.

Included in trade:
> Zastava M77
> Zastava side rail
> Bushnell Trophy 2 4-12x Scope
> Wood handguards
> Original polymer lower HG and PG
> Surplus M76 stock
> Original 20 round mag
> Serbian 10 round mag
> CSSPECS 10 round mag
> Tapco Muzzle Device and original slant brake
> A little over 60 rounds of mixed .308 ammo

Vastly prefer a local, F2F transaction in Florida, either I'll drive to you or we'll meet in the middle. Happy to answer any questions. It's a good rifle, I just don't get it out much and I've wanted a Beryl for awhile. Thanks!


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