Sold Various AK stuff - Izhmash RIS HGs, RPK top load drum followers and rounds, kbkg wz.60 gas blocks and more

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Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic
Payment method - Pay-Pal
If you are interested in buying some stuff listed below just claim it in comment section and send me a PM with your e-mail and shipping address and i will send you PP invoice ASAP, or you can pay directly to my PP account if you prefer it that way.
Note: Delivery currently takes 14-21 days but it can take longer in some cases. Tracking system shows updates once the package is shipped, then when it left the country and it wont show any update until it reach US sorting facility. So there may be substantial time gap between those updates.

Shipping charges:
-10$ - light weight orders (approx. up to 3oz)
-15$ - medium size (approx. from 3oz to 1lb)
-25$ - extra large orders (above 1lb)
Feel free to ask prior purchase.

Up for sale are following items:

1. PP-19-01 Vityaz / Saiga 9, Saiga Mk-103 RIS lower handguard (no heat shield) + standard upper handguard - 85$ per set


2. Polish AK GN kbkg. wz.60 cut-off gas block - 85$ each

3. RPK drum magazine 3-link / dummy round follower, replacement
complete 3-round follower - 60$ each
b. just the last round - 20$ each

Handcrafted out of aluminium and steel, just like this:

4. Soviet NSPUM (1PN58) or NSPU-3 (1PN51) night vision battery holders, replacement - for four AAA cells - 60$ each

5. AKGN kbkg. wz.60 gas block hardware:
a. Washer + spring clip + detent sping and ball +4.5mm gas port carbon scraper (not shown on the photo) - 20$ per set (1 left)
b. Washer - 10$ each (5 left)

6. CZ vz.52 pistol slide locking rollers:
2 pack - 10$

b. 4 pack - 16$

7. Zeiss ZFK 4x25 parts:
a. reticle unit - 90$.
I have seen a ZFK scopes without reticle floating around for a good price some time ago, so this would be probably a quite useful replacement part for such as scope.

b. chasis - 25$. It has some scratches and dings inside. Useful probably only as a paperweight, cold war memorabilia, or material for some kind of mockup project.


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