Positive I keep having ad feedback go buggy but here is the ad: https://comblocmarket.com/classifieds1/saiga-308.5507/ The man literally got it ready to go mail on a Saturday, on short notice after I purchased it. We didn't start talking till just about quarter to 11.
Positive He ended up contacting me with another bakelite. We made a deal he delivered. Good packaging. Promote timing and ended up the darker ones which I like.
Positive I guess i'm doing this wrong but heres teh add, https://comblocmarket.com/classifieds1/james-river-bulgarian-74-shipped.5094/ for some reason wasn't letting me use the URL tab. S+++ buyer. extremely patient with USPS issues and we made a side deal as well.
Positive i bought https://comblocmarket.com/classifieds1/2-surplus-mags.5277/ they arrived promote and as described.
Positive Honest trader, respected the que. Worked with me on the communication during the holidays. Would buy from again.
Positive Pictures Accurate, quick shipper. It actually was better than I thought it was gonna be. A+ seller