Shipped from EU - Slovak Republic
Payment method - PayPal
Price: 60$ shipped
Up for sale is custom made (not by me) battery container for Russian Baigish 6 (1PN50) night vision device.
This one came with NSPU-3 (1PN51) scope but it was the most likely designated for Baigish 6 (converted to 9 Volts) since this battery container has virtually no suitable positive contact arrea on the bottom which doesnt seems to be a problem for Baigish NV battery compartment, since it has a positive contact on the side.
Payment method - PayPal
Price: 60$ shipped
Up for sale is custom made (not by me) battery container for Russian Baigish 6 (1PN50) night vision device.
This one came with NSPU-3 (1PN51) scope but it was the most likely designated for Baigish 6 (converted to 9 Volts) since this battery container has virtually no suitable positive contact arrea on the bottom which doesnt seems to be a problem for Baigish NV battery compartment, since it has a positive contact on the side.