Want to Sell Price Drop: Chinese 75 Drum, Arsenal Krink HG's, Russian Triangle Butt Pad, Soviet Belt/Suspenders

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1) Chinese Arsenal 36 "mickey mouse" 75 Round drum with rare Chinese Pouch and shoulder strap $210
2) Arsenal Krinkov AKSU Handguards $57 Each (2 available)
3) Rare! new old stock Russian AK-74 triangle stock rubber recoil butt pad with 2 factory screws. This butt pad will work with Bulgarian stocks as well but not with Tula Krinkov AKSU stocks with ribbed backplate. Holes measure 2.210" from center to center. $99 SOLD
4) Soviet Russian Belt with Field Suspenders $45
All prices are plus shipping. All forms of electronic payment accepted, and I will combine shipping. Thanks


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