Sold Dead Air Wolverine Thread inserts [$65]



Just selling my left over Wolverine Thread adapters after I hoarded a bunch. These have never been shot through and only installed for mockup purposes. Threads are nice and clean.
WV-200 standard 14x1LH short adapter -$65 shipped

WV-201 24mm x 1.5 RH short (you will need RH long if you plan to slap it on a russian spec 74 ask me how I know :) also $65 shipped

I see these things reselling on fuddbroker for like $189.99 so im gonna sell em for $10 less than I bought em for. Hopefully someone here can use them and not get scalped in the process.
Thanks boys.

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Sooo would that 24x work on a bulgy or arsenal fsgb?

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