Want to Buy Bulgarian Front Trunnion for 5.56 build (Found)

Youre looking for an AKM trunnion. Bulgy stamped 556 used a 74 trunnion with an akm bullet guide. I bet a WPB would be the best bet
Thanks for replying. The trunnion is the last item that I need to complete my build. I have a Bulgarian 5.56 bolt carrier and bolt. Are you saying the WBP trunnion AOA sells would work along with a 5.56 bullet guide? I was under the impression that if a WBP trunnion is used, one would also need to use the WBP bolt carrier and bolt. I'll look into that.
Arsenal Bulgaria uses the same bullet guide for 762x39 and 556. They dont use trunnions though since they build milled guns. Slr 106 had a 74 trunnion because they were using surplus 74 parts for a commercial semi auto line which was a fail. Also slr106 had a lightening cut carrier akm style slightly different from the milled sam5 carrier. But all that aside i bet a wpb akm trunnion or even an Apex surplus AKM trunnion would work. I haven't tried it but i dont see why it wouldn't