Gun Talk Appreciation for Combloc Market’s style of government.

Just joined and after browsing around a little bit, I got the feeling this site is exactly what you described. Glad to be here!
It's a great site. welcome!
Thanks! I saw a pic on GB with the site listed otherwise I would have probably never found it!
Yeah no joke! I got banned from the files indefinitely for literally just bumping a post. Clowns!
I like it so far, nice quality of life improvements over the files. If you guys can keep the Nigerian scammers out that are currently plaguing the MP over there you will be golden.
So far I’ve had zero issues with scammers here. The mods are very accessible here (which is fantastic, very good support system from these guys) and it’s really easy to vet someone through them.

It’s just nice having staff that doesn’t treat users like kindergartners.
Appreciate the kind words means a lot!
Appreciate the shout out to the forum. Every place has pros and cons. The membership here is great.