Want to Sell AK74 Mags, Polish Fatty Grip - prices dropped!

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Hey all,

Some surprise expenses came up (on top of Christmas), need to let go of some mags!

This is a neat lot - has 3 scrubbed mags, and one Izzy Bake

Top left - EG Bake, Scrubbed, Painted Black and sold to Poland - $80 70 shipped - SOLD
Top Right - Scrubbed plum (I believe), painted black - $80 70 shipped
Bottom left - Izzy Bake, used but in good condition, has a neat ink stamp on the front - $80 shipped - SOLD
Bottom right - Scrubbed Plum (still plum) - $80 70 shipped
Polish Fatty (has some damage, a small chip in the corner) - asking $35 30 shipped

Or take the lot of what's left for $240 140 shipped.

Prices are OBO!



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