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    • VEPR74
      VEPR74 posted a comment on the classified ad Gun Talk East German MPI-AK74-N.
      That's amazing
    • VEPR74
      VEPR74 reacted to BigDuke6's classified ad Gun Talk East German MPI-AK74-N with
      I ended up scoring a nice basic parts lot with barrel, bolt, bolt carrier, trunnion and a few other parts so my builder and I decided to...
    • VEPR74
      VEPR74 posted a comment on the classified ad Gun Talk Izhevsk SVT40.
      I love mine, research thr gas block settings, it will smooth it up a bit
    • VEPR74
      VEPR74 reacted to Sovietcollecter's comment on the classified ad Gun Talk Izhevsk SVT40 with
      Beautiful rifle. I picked one up at a gun show off a fluke, too much history to pass up. Walked out 2300$ lighter in the pockets and...
    • VEPR74
      VEPR74 reacted to Gorkabandit's classified ad Want to Sell Molot Vepr 1V 556 RPK with
      Looking to sell to recover from some debt $5200 shipped to your FFL will trade for a WP PVS-14 with a good spec sheet+ cash or AR setup...
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