Recent content by Valeramaniuk

  1. GP-25 "Kalosha" GREEN AK buttstock pad

    Want to Sell GP-25 "Kalosha" GREEN AK buttstock pad

    $50 shipped Add $10 for a strap (only one left)
  2. Russian Krink AKSu Handguard set, NOS $500

    Want to Sell Russian Krink AKSu Handguard set, NOS $500

    Original, NOS, shipped.
  3. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on jeronimo

    Great communication and prompt payment!
  4. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on slow95

    Great communication and prompt payment!
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    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on Momo4742

    Great communication and prompt payment!
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    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on elcid

    Excellent buyer! Great communication and prompt payment!
  7. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on Dealingwithit

    Great communication and prompt payment!
  8. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on Canesjer

    Great communication and prompt payment!
  9. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on TexxasAKFan

    Great communication and prompt payment
  10. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on TGPrecision

    Great communication and prompt payment
  11. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on JP504

    Great communication and prompt payment!
  12. Podgornov’s Kalashnikov assault rifles and light machine guns hard copy

    Want to Sell Podgornov’s Kalashnikov assault rifles and light machine guns hard copy

    Brand new, the last one FREE shipping (shipping from the US)
  13. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on airwide

    Great communication and prompt payment!
  14. V

    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on Kole71

    Great communication and prompt payment!
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    Feedback posted by Valeramaniuk on johnny

    Great communication and prompt payment!