Recent content by TheRumor

  1. TheRumor

    Feedback posted by TheRumor on king_cal69

    Fast shipping, packed well, smooth transaction.
  2. TheRumor

    Feedback posted by TheRumor on HKD126

    Beautiful kits, packed well, excellent communication.
  3. Yugo BHO Mags

    Want to Buy Yugo BHO Mags

    Must be in excellent condition, no rust. Thank you.
  4. TheRumor

    Combloc Updates and Announcements

    Site looks great, it feels more responsive as well. Thanks @MacPats !!
  5. Romy Parts Kits

    Want to Buy Romy Parts Kits

    Looking for a PM90 kit, matching and in excellent condition. Thank you.
  6. Tula Mosin Nagant

    Sold Tula Mosin Nagant

  7. TheRumor

    Feedback posted by TheRumor on Crowak

    Smooth transaction and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks again.
  8. TheRumor

    Feedback posted by TheRumor on Crowak

    Responsive, detailed seller. Fast shipping. Smooth transaction. Thanks!
  9. TheRumor

    Feedback posted by TheRumor on MadGunner420

    Fast shipping, flawless transaction. Thanks!
  10. 40rd and 30rd 7.62 Mags (Bakelite)

    Want to Buy 40rd and 30rd 7.62 Mags (Bakelite)

    Looking for 40 rd and 30 rd NOS bakelite mags, nothing beat up please. Thank you.