The Gunner's latest activity

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    The Gunner reacted to DaisyBB-gun's classified ad Sold Uzi parts kit with
    Currently held together by hopes and dreams, but looks cool mocked up! Price is shipped for everything pictured
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    The Gunner reacted to Kpcasey's classified ad Sold KR 103 package with
    KR103 FT package Early kr 103 fixed stock rifle One circle 10 mag Arsenal side optic mount Romeo red dot Russian sling Price drop...
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    The Gunner reacted to mike0987's classified ad Want to Sell Russian ANA M2 Plate Carrier with
    Trying to offload this PC I bought before they became Unobtanium. 225 obo larped in a few times.
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    The Gunner reacted to tearz's classified ad Want to Sell Reproduction East German Wieger STG-940 Furniture Kits with
    The East German Wieger STG series A missing link in the evolution of the Kalashnikov. Originally intended for export sales with the...
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    The Gunner reacted to WegobuyWearer's classified ad Want to Sell Minifigure battle pack with
    Merry Christmas Eve everyone, today I have some more minifigure battle packs. The first set that I have is the Soviet minifigure battle...
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    Looking for a nice plum $75 or less shipped preferred but may pay a little more depending on condition.
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    The Gunner reacted to pogi's classified ad Sold 180 rounds of Russian 7n6 5.45x39 ammo with
    180 rounds of Russian 7n6 5.45x39 ammo in brown wrappers, $100 + shipping.
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    The Gunner reacted to C_mercado 16's classified ad Sold Tula plum 74 mag with
    For sale is a Tula plum mold 23. The price is $75 with priority shipping. Please feel free to ask any questions. Thanks for looking, Merc.