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      T1D.Operator reacted to BigDuke6's comment on the classified ad Gun Talk Rhodesian Imbel FAL Clone with
      Looking forward to seeing your Cuban FAL photos.
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      T1D.Operator posted a comment on the classified ad Gun Talk Rhodesian Imbel FAL Clone.
      Will do, should be done soon. If it matters, I've seen Imbel parts come up on Rhodie/Zim/SA kits. After the bush war, I believe the new...
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      T1D.Operator reacted to BigDuke6's classified ad Gun Talk Rhodesian Imbel FAL Clone with
      This initially was a Century Sporter FAL with an Imbel receiver. Initially I was considering using the receiver for an STG FAL parts kit...
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      T1D.Operator posted a comment on the classified ad Gun Talk Rhodesian Imbel FAL Clone.
      Nice gun. Rhodies are fun especially if you do it right. Once my Cuban gets back I'll probably toss up photos on here.
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