Recent content by sr25enjoyer

  1. sr25enjoyer

    Gun Talk Anyone get their hands on the Atlantic AR-SF/Krink kits from a few days back? Atlantic *USUALLY* does a few drops in a row with a steadily rising price to trickle in high-demand kits like this. Do you guys think they'll wait a week or two, bump the price and sell another wave? They...
  2. sr25enjoyer

    Feedback posted by sr25enjoyer on BarditstheLlantaLover187

    Quick payment, good communication. Solid buyer on a high dollar deal. Deal with confidence.
  3. sr25enjoyer

    Comment by 'sr25enjoyer' on the classified ad 'Saiga ak47'

    Hey sorry for the delay, I DM'd you a few links to users on here selling some. Good luck man!
  4. sr25enjoyer

    Comment by 'sr25enjoyer' on the classified ad 'Saiga ak47'

    If you're talking about threading a barrel from a Saiga sporter conversion, then what you really need is just a standard Saiga FSB, as that is what has the threaded crown. You don't thread the barrels themselves.
  5. 5.56 + mags

    Sold 5.56 + mags

    selling off my remaining 5.56. mixed M193+M855. 213rnds in total. Brownells mag is $60 new and comes with Two ASC 20s as well. Nothing fancy. Will possibly trade for other ammo or random cool makarov accessories etc. *Buyer pays shipping*
  6. Virgin Bulgarian "krink" kit 7.62x39

    Sold Virgin Bulgarian "krink" kit 7.62x39

    90% virgin parts kit. (bolt is current production arsenal, stock is Izmash, all other parts virgin surplus bulgy) All parts present save for the receiver. Barrel is original Bulgarian Surplus CL. Ships to the lower 48. Buyer pays shipping. Paypal FF no notes, Money order, or Zelle no notes only...
  7. CZ-75B

    Want to Sell CZ-75B

    Selling my old reliable CZ75b. Runs like a top, clean and shoots like day one. Comes with 2x 10rnd mags and 2x 17rnd MecGar mag, Some Vytal Kraken grips I dura-hided black because the bright reddit-orange made me want to scoop my eyes out. Comes with OG case and polymer CZ grips. crossposted...
  8. Bulgarian AKSU virgin 7.62 kit

    Price Check Bulgarian AKSU virgin 7.62 kit

    I accidentally stumbled my way into a virgin Bulgy 7.62 "krink" kit. Any ideas of what it's worth. The details of its acquisition pain me greatly and I just want this thing gone. Whats it worth? Everything but the receiver is there.
  9. sr25enjoyer

    Feedback posted by sr25enjoyer on JP504

    Fast payment and good communication. Trusted buyer!
  10. FN M16A4 Military Collectors Edition

    Sold FN M16A4 Military Collectors Edition

    Crossposting this from my Tacswap listing: Selling my like-new FN M16A4 military collectors edition to fund another project. sub 800 rounds through it. Includes 2x ASC 20 rounders, and one PSA 30rnd. All original KAC furniture. rail covers, grip, quad-rail etc. Comes with Colt Anchor Harvey...
  11. [SOLD]BelOMO POSP 4x24

    Sold [SOLD]BelOMO POSP 4x24

    Selling my BelOMO POSP 4x24 so I can put the money towards my incoming krink parts kit (praise jebus, finally scored one) $275 shipped to lower 48 or $250 FtF near Grafton/Mequon/Slinger area of Wisconsin. Comes with functional illuminator bulb but my batteries are old and weak so I only got...
  12. Anyone else buy the B-grade Dong from RTI?

    Gun Talk Anyone else buy the B-grade Dong from RTI?

    $75 wasn't a bad price I guess, considering what some folks charge for a dong these days. Tragically, someone carved "NUT" into the side of mine for god knows why so it looks a bit shit. Might refinish with tung oil and a lighter stain. I know RTI already has a rough reputation so I feel like I...
  13. sr25enjoyer

    Feedback posted by sr25enjoyer on Podsully

    Went above and beyond to help me with a one-off request for a discontinued item. True legend. A++ guy as always.
  14. Romy F/A fire control group + free factory grip+screw+nut

    Want to Sell Romy F/A fire control group + free factory grip+screw+nut

    Bought this awhile ago when I had plans to build my buddy an RPK but he backed out of the plan, so its up for grabs. Throwing in the grip that came off my UF because I have too many. $40+ shipping
  15. Clone/cope Delta-Tek Device 14x1LH by PSA

    Sold Clone/cope Delta-Tek Device 14x1LH by PSA

    Mounted it a couple times for giggles but really it just makes the fireball bigger. Had plans to chop the internal insert and experiment with it, but decided on not doing that to keep the ATF from kicking my door in. Threads are clean. I also threw it on my RH-10 once and it was so heavy on that...