Santorini's latest activity

  • Santorini
    Santorini reacted to ColtBTD's classified ad Gun Talk Hammer Fired Master Race with
    After years of carrying a Glock of some sort, I slowly started falling out of the striker fired platforms for hammer fired double action...
  • Santorini
    Santorini reacted to MacPats's classified ad Service Member info! with
    Hello, Everyone! We wanted to take a moment to share some important information for our new members! If you have feedback from other...
  • Santorini
    Santorini reacted to tearz's classified ad Want to Sell Reproduction East German Wieger STG-940 Furniture Kits with
    The East German Wieger STG series A missing link in the evolution of the Kalashnikov. Originally intended for export sales with the...
  • Santorini
    Want to buy saiga 308 prefer unconverted.
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