Recent content by kozaki

  1. Polytech Poly Technologies Inc., 5.56mm Bore Collimator w/Original Box & Manual

    Want to Sell Polytech Poly Technologies Inc., 5.56mm Bore Collimator w/Original Box & Manual

    With the original box and manual, optics are clear and the whole instrument is in nice shape. The crosshair/grid is shown with the best photo I could manage, but much clearer to the naked eye. There is a blued spring-steel wire on the rod to keep the unit snug in the bore of your rifle. Plastic...
  2. Chinese Transitional Magazines (5) with 5-slot Pouch

    Want to Sell Chinese Transitional Magazines (5) with 5-slot Pouch

    Chinese transitional 30-round magazines. These are the design that falls somewhere between the Sino-Soviet and the beginning of the evolution of the familiar 'flatback' magazine. As can be seen in the photos, they have the two bars along the bottom of the magazine body, but also have the...