I'm looking to sell three surplus USSR bandages and three AI-2 medical kits to fund a cerakote project.
The bandages are labeled 7mx14cm, 5mx10cm, and one has marking I'm unsure of, but is labeled CCCP. Their condition seems fair but I don't collect this sort of thing, the best way I could describe them is dry, which might be a good thing, considering I believe they're gauze. They have become increasingly difficult to find, especially domestically, since the war in Ukraine. These are $18ea plus shipping, or $50 for all plus shipping.
Three AI-2 surplus med kits. All are complete (minus syringe and substances, see disclaimer) and in good condition, but unfortunately one has a slightly damaged white clasp. If these are sold individually the damaged one will be sold last and I will let the seller know. $11ea plus shipping or $30 plus shipping for all.
$75 Shipped takes everything (CONUS only)
*DISCLAIMER* These are old surplus items. I would not advise anyone use these in an actual first aid or trauma kit, they are simply collectible. AI-2s have been neutered per US law, the syringe containing morphine, as well as the contents of all capsules was disposed of in Ukraine before these were imported, I got them in the state they are.
The bandages are labeled 7mx14cm, 5mx10cm, and one has marking I'm unsure of, but is labeled CCCP. Their condition seems fair but I don't collect this sort of thing, the best way I could describe them is dry, which might be a good thing, considering I believe they're gauze. They have become increasingly difficult to find, especially domestically, since the war in Ukraine. These are $18ea plus shipping, or $50 for all plus shipping.
Three AI-2 surplus med kits. All are complete (minus syringe and substances, see disclaimer) and in good condition, but unfortunately one has a slightly damaged white clasp. If these are sold individually the damaged one will be sold last and I will let the seller know. $11ea plus shipping or $30 plus shipping for all.
$75 Shipped takes everything (CONUS only)
*DISCLAIMER* These are old surplus items. I would not advise anyone use these in an actual first aid or trauma kit, they are simply collectible. AI-2s have been neutered per US law, the syringe containing morphine, as well as the contents of all capsules was disposed of in Ukraine before these were imported, I got them in the state they are.