Anyone else a little disappointed with what happened with this project? I was looking forward to a AKV521 at home. 👍🏼 1
C C Croatiansensation26 Today at 3:34 AM Im a bit suprised they arent just trying to adapt their AK platform like the russians did. They have the tooling for it.
Im a bit suprised they arent just trying to adapt their AK platform like the russians did. They have the tooling for it.
B B BarnacleSp00k Today at 5:58 AM I didnt even think of that! I can't imagine it'd be that hard. There are a few AKs here in the states already that use an upper/lower.
I didnt even think of that! I can't imagine it'd be that hard. There are a few AKs here in the states already that use an upper/lower.