Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic
Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred)
Shipping charges:
(additional to the prices listed below)
-15$ - medium size (approx. up to 1lb) (~ two or three HGs)
-25$ - large orders (approx. up to 2lb) (a whole stock set or multiple furniture bits)
Feel free to ask prior purchase.
1. Polish AKM stock set - 140$ -SOLD-
The buttstock and lower handguard is used and refurbished. Upper handguard and grip are both new.
Overal condition can be described as reasonable.
2. Polish AKM lower hanguards - used, refurbished - 25$ each -SOLD-
3. East German AKM / AK74 bakelite lower handguard, seems to be unissued - 45$
4. Hungarian AMD65 / AK63F / SA85 wooden grips - 20$ each
Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred)
Shipping charges:
(additional to the prices listed below)
-15$ - medium size (approx. up to 1lb) (~ two or three HGs)
-25$ - large orders (approx. up to 2lb) (a whole stock set or multiple furniture bits)
Feel free to ask prior purchase.
1. Polish AKM stock set - 140$ -SOLD-
The buttstock and lower handguard is used and refurbished. Upper handguard and grip are both new.
Overal condition can be described as reasonable.
2. Polish AKM lower hanguards - used, refurbished - 25$ each -SOLD-
3. East German AKM / AK74 bakelite lower handguard, seems to be unissued - 45$
4. Hungarian AMD65 / AK63F / SA85 wooden grips - 20$ each