$110 shipped. Payment must be with PayPal Goods and Services. And you must have a valid USPS shipping address.
*Do Note:
The way it says in the instructions on how to program the shake awake timer doesn't seem to work correctly. Either that or I'm retarded. It hasn't worked from factory. However the brightness function and off/on buttons work just fine. And I think the shake awake feature works but I never really checked because its like 8 hours until sleep by default.
I haven't activated the warranty yet, but I'm not sure how it works or if you yourself will be able to. But it does come with the QR code to activate the warranty.
*Do Note:
The way it says in the instructions on how to program the shake awake timer doesn't seem to work correctly. Either that or I'm retarded. It hasn't worked from factory. However the brightness function and off/on buttons work just fine. And I think the shake awake feature works but I never really checked because its like 8 hours until sleep by default.
I haven't activated the warranty yet, but I'm not sure how it works or if you yourself will be able to. But it does come with the QR code to activate the warranty.