Want to Sell Toy Box Cleanout: Misc Parts, Magpul



Price is negotiable. I am interested in trade. But that is secondary. Need to fix car.

Magpul Goodies

$60 $50 Magpul OD MBUS Sight Set

$15 $10ea Magpul MLOK Sling Mounting Point

$20 Magpul 9 Slot Rail Aluminum

$10 Magpul 9 Slot Rail Polymer

$1ea Magpul Mag-Pull

$40 Magpul MS3 Gen2


Make An Offer Misc Remington 1911 Parts

$60 Wilson Combat 1911 Bullet Proof Hammer Commander Stainless

$100 Wilson Combat 1911 Beavertail Safety High Ride Bulletproof Stainless

$140 Wilson Combat Full Size 1911 Tritium Pyramid Sight Set

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