Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic
Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred)
Up for sale are NSPUM (1PN58), NSPU-3 (1PN51), Baigish 6U (1PN50) night vision battery cointainers with charger battery holder - 150$ shipped
This is an unfinished project. The battery containers are already converted for 5-cell AAA 1.2V NiMh battery packs. Battery packs needs to be made specifically for the battery container compartment. The battery holder is made of decommissioned NSPUM night scope and it has common RC model charger plug.
Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred)
Up for sale are NSPUM (1PN58), NSPU-3 (1PN51), Baigish 6U (1PN50) night vision battery cointainers with charger battery holder - 150$ shipped
This is an unfinished project. The battery containers are already converted for 5-cell AAA 1.2V NiMh battery packs. Battery packs needs to be made specifically for the battery container compartment. The battery holder is made of decommissioned NSPUM night scope and it has common RC model charger plug.