864 round never opened case of Swedish kptr m/39 training ammo. This has a plastic tip with a steel ball in it. Originally meant for a carl gustav smg with an internal smooth bore barrel sleeve for training purposes. The tip was meant to break off in the coned section of the barrel sleeve while the steel ball continues forward. Why they didn't just use normal ammo for training at that point idk. It will fire fine using modern 9mm firearms, but due to the plastic tip supposedly breaking apart after firing there is info saying that the steel ball may peen in the barrel on its way out causing dings. Others say their guns still fire fine regardless of the peening. I would recommend using a spare barrel you dont care about if wanting to use this ammo, and with soft targets only (do not use steel targets with this! Deadly richochet chance!). Or you can recycle this ammo and put on normal bullets if you have reloading equipment. I have a box of FMJ bullet tips I can add to this if you want to go that route. Or keep it as a cool collectable. Price is SHIPPED. Any questions just ask!