Want to Sell Plums

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Izzy second from the bottom- sold

Bottom Izzy- sold

Other two are sold

I take Venmo cashapp and PayPal


I have a question about trench art in general. How do you validate that something is legit trench art and not something someone just took a thumb tack and scratched a design into a magazine?
I have a question about trench art in general. How do you validate that something is legit trench art and not something someone just took a thumb tack and scratched a design into a magazine?
I mean there really is no way to really completely validate it unless you find pictures from overseas

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Want to Sell 20 round bake
Chopped 20 round bake. Not sure who did it 60 sold I take PayPal Venmo and cashapp

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Romanian underfolder built by PodArms. Built on a matching numbers Recreator. Matching numbers on dust cover, trunnion, gas tube, bolt, carrier...
Hello ! Im looking for a north korean upper handguard let me know if you can help me out thank you !