Want to Trade Near new PWS MK 116 mod 2m in 762x39

  • Posted by Posted by Jdubya1981
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Complete matching rifle, not a build. Read up on these, they are fantastic long stroke piston AR'S with tons of features. If you're an AK guy sitting on 762x39 ammo, this is your modern optics ready range beast. Only 90 rounds thru, cleaned and stored.

Chambered in 762x39, has original box, manual, etc. Cost $2100 for the matching complete rifle, hard to find. Xtras listed below.

Full set of Bravo wolf gray furniture with angled foregrip, 6 xtra duramag mags, sling and mounts, Primary Arms 3x prism scope in box calibrated for 762x39, and in Ohio FTF I'll add a couple hundred rounds of ammo!

***Looking to do a straight trade for a Robinson Armament XCR-L in similar condition to my rifle. If you have xtras like caliber conversions I can everything listed above, if you can meet face to face I'll kick in a couple hundred rounds of 762x39 ammo too. Would trade the whole lot & ammo for an LWRCI 6.8 rifle.***

May listen to a few other things, FN M16A4 Collectors in the box w/ mags or something, a colt piston carbine le6940 will get you a ton xtra.

Face to face in Ohio I'll throw in ammo xtra regardless for saving me on shipping. Contact me for more info or pics.

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