Feedback profile - LiveFree1776

Feedback summary

Positive Positive
Neutral Neutral
Negative Negative
Feedback score
5 (+5 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
Left for others
I am a buyer posting feedback on LiveFree1776 as seller
Seller saved my butt helping me with my krink handguard problem, support his business!!
I am a buyer posting feedback on LiveFree1776 as seller
Thanks Very nice handgards!
Classified ad: Want to Sell Krink hand guards
I am a buyer posting feedback on LiveFree1776 as seller
Handguards are awesome! Would purchase from seller again!!
Classified ad: Want to Sell Krink hand guards
I am a buyer posting feedback on LiveFree1776 as seller
Beautiful wood for a Krink. Thanks for the smooth transaction!
Classified ad: Want to Sell Krink hand guards
I am a seller posting feedback on LiveFree1776 as buyer
Fairly easy to work with, can't complain
Classified ad: Want to Sell More random stuff