Want to Sell Misc AK small parts



  • Please post "I'll take...", follow up with a PM stating what you want to purchase, how you intend to pay, and your shipping address.
  • I accept Zelle, money orders (USPS or Western Union), or cash. I do not accept any other forms of payment. Not looking for trades.
  • All items are sold 'as is', condition as noted, and all sales are final.
  • Cross posted.
  • Shipping is +$10 unless otherwise noted. I can combine shipping on multiple items.
SPF 1. Multiple small parts as pictured, the slant is marked US. $20 shipped.

2. US marked AK47 piston (no rivet) from AK Builder. $15 shipped.

3. Used Type 3 gas block, either Chinese or Bulgarian most likely, probable reweld on the bottom of some sort. $10 shipped.

4. Used PSL type stock. $10 shipped.



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