Price Check Mile Drajić Serbian Level III UHMWP Curved Ballistic Plates


Looking to see if there's interest in these 90s Serbian Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene plates and plate carrier and what prices people are willing to pay for a set with plater carrier and helmet. Extremely lightweight, less than half the weight of a standard level III steel plate (pictures of weight comparison included). Meets NIJ standards. I can get them in bulk direct from Serbia. I have 1 helmet but can most likely get those in bulk as well. The translation is:

"Protective ballistic plate with an antitrauma layer
For PZB M-98A
Protection class III
Serial number: K 8768
Month and year of production: 06.1999."

Here is a video of a Serbian youtuber that tested these plates with multiple hits of various calibers up to .308 which performed incredibly well.

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