Want to Sell Etch Stencils by Thor - DIY markings - Original Source of the Blue Transparent Stencil - Updated!

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I will take,

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(1) - Bulgaria: Type 3 Milled T3
I have a bunch of guns I'm SBR/SBSing via F1, can you do custom trust name/city/state stencils?
Thor's Hammer
Thor's Hammer
Please send me a PM with details for any custom requests. Thank you.
Oh, one other question amigo: what materials can be etched in this manner? Is it just regular steel, or are stainless, aluminum, titanium etc. options as well? 🤔
Just a small example of this man's awesome work, on my 1961 Ishmash AK.
Thor's Hammer
Thor's Hammer
Thank you for the kind words. And hats off to your builder, he sure been knocking out some cool builds.
Awesome seller here! Buy with confidence! GLWS