Sold Type 3 AK stock set



Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic
Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred)

Up for sale is Type 3 AK ("milled") wooden stock set

-The lower handguard is Soviet solid wood,
- upper handguard is Soviet, laminated,
- the buttstock is a bit of a mystery. Seems to be made of birch wood as the lower handguard, but it does have an oddball sling swivel. It does have an cleaning kit compartment but is is currently fitted with East German buttplate with no trapdoor,
- the grip is reshaped solid beech wood Hungarian AMD65 grip, so its a bit longer than standard AK grip or you can get Soviet laminated AKM grip.

Its probably more suitable for something like Arsenal SAM7 than for historically accurate Type 3 build.
No stock mounting screws or grip screw.

200$ shipped with Hungarian grip

or 250$ shipped with Soviet laminated grip


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