Want to Buy Need a front trunnion for my saiga 223

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Front trunnion cracked and broke on the bottom,now all my mags are wobbly from side to side and don't lock. It was modified on the front trunnion to fit a big majority of 556 ak mags. I was "kinda forcing " a civi Izzy 556 and it gave away and broke off some metal. I heard Bulgarian 74 trunnions will work?


The trunnion is the serialized part on a Saiga, youโ€™re going to have to have it rebuilt entirely on a different receiver
So if shit goes totally south and can't be welded, do you have a reciever and builder recommendation?
So if shit goes totally south and can't be welded, do you have a reciever and builder recommendation?
I'm pretty sure they can still use that receiver and just serialize the receiver during the rebuild process. No different from when you import a firearm or do compliance/rebuild on one in a ban state. Instead of adopting the old serial they can make a new one on the receiver.
I have so many more questions.

Does that rifle have a bullet guide in it? It looks like it has a 7.62 round guide in it.

If it does have a guide in it, that's why the civi saiga mag didn't work. Those mags have bullet guides built into them. Trying to force two solid objects to occupy the same space at the same time results in something breaking off and finding a new home.

This is why I always modify mags and not trunnions when possible. Taking a little bit of plastic off a mag is much easier, then a piece of heat treated steel. And if I screw up the mag, I'm only out 40 bucks.
I filed the bullet off the civi mag and it ran like my circle tens ect.. the other izzy 101 mag didn't have the bullet guide filed enough and that's the one that broke it.
how the heck did that happen, If the mag still stays in and just has side to side wobble I would do the jb weld trick.
also I would think that bad boi can be welded. trunnion would have to be removed and milled after reweld. its just the mag catch.
I have seen that some have been
how the heck did that happen, If the mag still stays in and just has side to side wobble I would do the jb weld trick.
also I would think that bad boi can be welded. trunnion would have to be removed and milled after reweld. its just the mag catch.
I've got cw gunwerks looking at picks of right now,so I hope it can be welded ๐Ÿคž if not I'll have one pricey 100 series parts kit

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