Gun Talk Rhodesian Imbel FAL Clone


This initially was a Century Sporter FAL with an Imbel receiver. Initially I was considering using the receiver for an STG FAL parts kit but a member here and my builder pointed out this Imbel receiver is a type III and to do the kit build properly I needed a Type I receiver. I got it for $801 on A Gunbroker auction so decided to go with a Rhodesian Imbel clone. So I tasked my builder to work his magic and convert it from a shitty sporter to a decent rifle. As fate would have it the lower receiver and several of the parts were actually from a Rhodesian parts kit. The Rhodesian’s tended to not have the carry handle or bipod but went with them for this build. So,
here are a few pics:


Looking forward to seeing your Cuban FAL photos.
Will do, should be done soon. If it matters, I've seen Imbel parts come up on Rhodie/Zim/SA kits. After the bush war, I believe the new Zim gov bought parts to refurb their FALs from Imbel. So you could argue your rifle is "proper." Don't quote me on that though, it's been a while since I've read up on them.

Other then that, currently trying to get some other kits done. Got a M70A/M64 being rewelded and an AK-55 being done next.

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