Want to Sell Ak parts , zenitco , Chinese, Russian

6 members are watching this classified ad


All zenitco rails are $168 ea (sold out)
Zenitco B9 $85 (sold)
Bayonets are $150ea (sold out)
KOP with rmr mount $100
Ultimak Rail for amd65 $80(sold)
Chinese type56 complete stock set $395 (sold)
Chinese yellow mak90 single stock $40
Chinese brown mak90 stock set with handguards with original Chinese box 📦 $110(sold)
Russian krink handguards $300(SOLD)
Chinese gas tube $65
Top beryl style rail $ 90
Leaf spring rail Attero $40
Vortex reddot sparc $150
Russian stocks singles $90ea
Russian hand guard sets $90.00 ea
Russian single lower hand guard $40
Single Chinese lower hand guard $50
Russian ak74 woodset with sling - $250 (sold)

Updated 12/18/24


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