Want to Sell A few Guns/Mags to Sell off



Hungarian Feg Sa2000m. Surplus wood refinished (not by me). Hungarian Leather sling, G2 trigger installed. Rifle is like new. SOLD

Romanian Wasr 10. Surplus wood furniture. Trench art on the dong and stock. Romy leather sling. BFPU Romy bayonet. ALG trigger installed. Paki tape touches throughout the Rifle. Lever wire folder can go with. Great gun. $1000 shipped

Molot 40 bake, mold 4 $250 shipped
Izzy 30 bake, mold 57 $100 shipped
Tula 30 bake, mold 67 $100 shipped
30 Aluminum waffle SOLD

More in Combloc Market

Want to Sell Haley Strategic D3CRX
Like new chest rig in Coyote brown. Only worn once or twice. Comes with Haley Strategic mag inserts and multi mission dangler. Price is shipped...
Looking to buy a Russian 4.5mm triangle stock, no ribs. Izhmash preferred.
$200 shipped CONUS. Accepts PayPal, Venmo and Zelle.