The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


I'm looking Romanian PKM barrel for my project
Looking for a similar set up as this can be sig or Holosun
Looking for 7n6 will pay 550 shipped per spam can.
Looking for 660, 700 and 1120 cans. I have a can of 7.62x54r available for trade as well also have some silver and cash I can throw in as needed...
If you are looking to sell some 5.45x39mm Bakelite or plum mags I’m willing to buy. I use PayPal
What the title says; looking for a PSL threaded muzzlebrake. If you have one sitting around because you only shoot the gun suppressed, please let...
Looking for a surplus BFPU Yugo M70 stock with buttpad and hardware. Would like a darker brown wood if possible and trench art would be a plus...
Looking for a set of ar70/ 90 bipod to complete my build.
I'm in search of a Meridian Defense standard front sight combo gas block.
As stated want to by 4 piece flash hider either cnc or Ak builder ideally Needing thread pattern 26x1.5 lh or 14mx1 going on an m92 Looking to...
Looking for a definitive arms fighter brake
Looking for an amd 65 muzzle brake in really good condition. Lmk what you have Thanks
Looking for a Russian waffle mag. Let me know what you have and price. Thanks
Looking for a Russian made AK74/AK-100 series trigger guard
I’m looking to buy some Russian Bakelites and or plums mainly Tula. If you have any you are wanting to sell send me a message I use PPF&F
Looking for 100 series FSB, gas tube and 5.5mm trunnion, etc just send me your price
Looking for an SSO Sbruya Partizan AK harness. Please let me know if you have one.
Looking for ak102 or ak105 build, I have pay pal and zelle, tell me your price
Looking for the stock with the knuckle attached and the diamond stamped bipod.
Looking for an authentic Zenitco RK-6 in FDE/ Khaki Sand No salt $110 shipped Little Salt $80 shipped or lmk Zelle or PayPal ready.
Wanting a barrel for Gail SAR build...Looking for 14.5" if possible..Was looking at evocatus but contacted them and it will be a LONG wait till...
Tell your friends, paying well for these boxes 👍
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Found a converted SAR-2 for a great price. Now I need a bayonet!
In the process of converting a 7.62 Saiga to a side folder. Need the rear trunnion/folding mechanism. Happy to negotiate price. (Russian 5.5m)
I'm looking to buy a LAT, 9"-12", preferably 12". I know this is mostly for Combloc stuff and a LAT is a bit of a longshot out here, but they're...
COMPLETE Looking to buy a Black Zenitco B-33.
Looking to buy some Izzy NOS laminate furniture, with or without bake grip. Willing to pay up to $300
Hi y’all, I need the following to finish a build. Prices are a guess based on what I’ve seen. Let me know what you’ve got! Izzy 74 bake mag: $80...
COMPLETE More specifically looking for full length hand guards like the sport-4
I’m late to the party on this. If you have one you’re willing to part with I’d appreciate it. Any color used not abused ok.
I am looking for a Galil SAR Gas Block.
I need a bolt carrier for my Vepr 54R. I don't need a bolt, but if someone is only selling them as a pair, I'll be open if the price is...
Maybe somebody can help me out looking for a ak74 Bulgarian. Plum oil bottle, please let me know. Thank you.
Looking for a Tula red laminate pistol grip Similar to what is pictured below:
Looking for a good/very good Bulgy or East German ribbed 74 top cover for a STG 940 project. PM if you have one available.
Looking for two used 5.45 Izzy or Tula bakelite magazines for a project. Scratches, dings, etc. are fine, just no cracks and fully serviceable and...
Title pretty much says it all, CashApp only, preferably one with the carrying strap.
ISO of a Bulgarian front trunnion for my 5.56 build. The barrel is a Bulgarian 23mm.
Looking to locate a circle 10 Bulgarian front trunion. Give me a holler if your holding or know someone who is.
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Looking to purchase PP-19 Vityaz pouch. Also looking for cleaning kit and cleaning rod. Thanks
the Billydonk
Looking for a set of dead Galil NS. Maybe you have a pair rattling around in a drawer after replacement with meprolights?? thanks
Looking for a Bosnian FDL mag or just a single rib Bosnian. Would like to have the original flat spring but will consider non flat.
Looking for a set of Russian handguards. Or romanian non dong handguards. Upper and lower handguard set that matches. Preferably original finish.
Chinese parts preferred. Need to convert bulk pup to original form. Thanks!
Looking for all the parts to do a Saiga 74 conversion. Looking for plum fixed furniture. Only thing I have so far is the Saiga rifle and front...
Would like buy a matching set of romanian surplus reverse dong & upper handguard for my wasr underfolder. Preferably in good to very good...
Someone sell me a Russian plum grip for my Krink build please
WTB AK74 WOOD stock furniture set dont mind if it doesn't have a pistol grip … i have plenty
Looking to buy some trench art battleworn furniture for my M70. Thanks!!!
Hello, As the title states, I am looking for a complete and blued military Makarov slide. I have an IJ70-18AH, and I'm not a big fan of the...
Kalashnikov USA went under, at least temporarily, and I didn’t grab a wooden folding stock from them before it was too late. I don’t need the...
Just looking for Strela flash hider in 14x1 lh black. Or a 4pc flash hider in 14x1. Thanks guys!
Need to buy a AK74 fixed stock trunnion. Bulgarian preferred but not a must. Must be an AK74 version only.
Looking for a Clamp on dinzag or something similar to use rpk handgaurds on my vepr 54r trying to spend around 30-40 bucks
I’m looking for both a channel side and slabside ak103 magazine. Looking for ones with the Izzy mark on them
Pretty much just a regular mosin m44 cleaning rod, just has a "02" proof mark. Will pay a small premium.
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Looking to convert a saiga 223 into an ak102 copy. Looking for a good combo gas block and rear 500 meter sight leaf for the build. I'm open to see...
looking for zenitco b21 and b19 also take look at other kp9 parts as well
Really looking for one of these bayonets in NOS condition and matching numbers. Thanks
Looking to purchase a US made 4.5mm plum folding stock. Found some on PSA and Kvar but figured I’d check here first. Thinking around ~ $40 - $60...
As the title states, the last part I need for my proper 101 conversion is a handguard retainer. I don't have any kids but I will pay you well for...
I’m doing another bayonet collection and I’m looking for a lot of different bayonets. Russian 6x3 Russian 6x3 transitional Russian black and plum...
crossposted, help a brother out / if you have any leads on one! looking to spend 200+- depending on condition.
I'm looking to buy an East German Pebble stock set, must have all four pieces and hardware. I'm also interested in East German night sights, East...
looking for any one of these mounts. i would prefer getting the alpha k-1958 if one is out there
looking for a couple of bakelite 5.45 mags
Interested in buying a Soviet ak74 style stock.. let me know what you have