The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


Looking for one of these in good condition, not refinished. Not really looking for a complete set but if the price is right I may bite. May...
Looking for a Belomo optic, specifically for the PKA Venezuela, PK-01VS or PK-AS. Similar Combloc optics will be considered. Hoping to spend $300-$350
Looking for KUSA Komrad 12
Looking for a total of 4 wooden surplus romanian style lower handguards for ak47
If anyone has it let me know, I'm in market buying hose 2 tools. I can buy them from many places but checking here just to see if someone would...
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Going to be pretty rare, but I'm looking for a 91' Russian 74. In kit form or built, doesn't matter. Would also consider an 83' or Tula Krink kit...
Shoot me a message if you've got one!
Looking for a selector lever that has these spot welds: Also looking for “p” marked bolt, diamond marked bipod, and bolt carrier. Honestly...
Wanting to buy an Arsenal. Not decided on model yet but send me what you've got and we will go from there. Cash in hand ready to go.
Just looking for a 1P63 stateside before I go looking elsewhere. Shoot me your price. I have a PVS-7 to throw in the deal if that's of any...
Chinese type 56 spiker furniture set for a stamped receiver.
Looking for a Polish fat pistol grip, hopefully in this shade (picture for reference) but show me what you got. Looking to spend $50-$60 shipped...
ISO/WTB Bakelite Grip "Excellent" Condition, searching for dark orange/orange. Will use PPFF.
Looking for a beat up Bulgy AK74 HG set that needs to be refinished. $50 PPFF Willing to up price if needed.
Looking for a Polish fatty grip with orange coloring and also any good quality Tula bakelite magazine in 7.62x39. Chinese flatback magazines...
ISO/WTB Bulgarian Bakelite upper that would match the lower hand guard and grip in the photos.
I'd like to buy a 45 round ribbed molot or a 30 round one as well. Message me if you have any!
Iso double stack 12 round mak magazine.
If you have a 1P87 message me!
Looking to buy this optic. Salt I’d prefer. $200 shipped?
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wtb fal stuff
5 watching
Need one to finish an Izzy AKM build. Can be pulled or virgin. Doesn’t matter if it’s Russian, Romanian, Egyptian, etc. Name your price.
Might be a long shot but curious of anyone has any of these laying around, up for sale?
As stated I am looking to buy a surplus Romanian upper wood handguard. On a gas tube is fine, wear and tear welcome but looking to avoid cracks. I...
Mainly looking for just the upper and lower handguards. Not looking for the stock. Thanks!
Im looking to buy a galil sar gas block, not sure on the price yet.
1 watching
What do you have? UNDRILLED ONLY! I'm not interested in 100% unless face-to-face in Texas. I can pay via USPS MO, PPFF, Zelle. I'm also...
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ISO NPZ 1p76
I'm in search of a Maadi non thumbhole stock, muzzle brake, and some mags. Thanks
Looking to buy an ak74 parts kit. Looking for either an Izzy or a Bulgarian parts kit
I'd like to purchase a Vs-24 handguard for my Kr103, would like to keep it below $200.
Looking for a jet brake in 14LH 7.62x39
Show me what you have with your price. For the 106u I’d rather it have the conversion already done. 107 cr - ~$2,000 106u - ~$2,000 Kp104 - ~$1500
Been looking for one for a while, preferably would like to spend under 700$, I don’t mind if it’s scratched or dinged up!
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****UPDATE: NO LONGER LOOKING****Looking for a Bulgarian ARM9 Lower Handguard. Will pay cash or I have a very nice Bulgy bakelite handguard set...
Looking for the hollow-ish KUSA extended charging handle. $30?
Kalashnikov USA has one but it's not available to purchase online, if anyone has one they are willing to part with I will gladly purchase.
Looking for the front handgaurd for a aku-94 kvar conversion would love for it to be green but not pickie
Looking for a two-piece cleaning rod (or similar) for a Sam7SF. Any condition is fine as long as the threads are good. Budget is around $25-30...
Looking for one of each, surplus m92 and RPG-7 sling. Thanks!
Looking to buy an Izzy AK100 series front sight post and gas block. Don’t mind if it’s used as long as they’re serviceable. Let me know what you...
Need a 103 gas block with lugs intact for my Saiga conversion. Trying to do it the right way. Let me know your price.
In dire need of the MFER mag funnel please somebody anybody I desperately need one and will do all the dirty dirty that I have to in order to...
I'm looking for a used Stich Profi shoulder holster that'll hold a makarov. If anyone is looking to offload theirs, I'd love to know! I'm not sure...
Looking for a Russian proofed AKM barrel to complete an Izhmash build. Name your price.
I would like at least 1 of these. If you have access to tula muzzle brakes, I’d like to get maybe 5 different ones. Also a Kordon in 14x1L is on...
Shoot me a message and we’ll make a deal
WTB AK-74 handguard set, as the title says.
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3 watching
Looking for a pristine waffle. Let me know how much. Thanks
Need some more sexy mags for my 74s! Please help me out. Looking for super flecky plum mags. The crazier the better! If you have any unique or...
Looking for Galil ace 13 in 545 gen 1 or 8 in 545 gen 1. Looking to spend 1500 to 2k
Looking for a Bulgarian type 3, salmon plastic rear stock.
I’m looking for a Zenitco b33 in black, complete with hardware. Would like to get one for $500
lmk what you got! Only interested in 7.62x39 chambering Thank you.
Title pretty much says it all. I know it's more niche stuff, I'm really looking for the Waffentechnik bayonet before I buy it new. If you have any...
This is a long shot but I'm trying to find a CSS sight rail for Saiga 12 rear sight dovetail, if anyone has one let me know and we'll work...
Looking for plums in a redder shade. I've seen a few sell on here and the files the past few months. I'm just too slow and miss them.
(FOUND A FURNITURE SET) I Have a SAR-1 I want to put surplus furniture on, and I'm looking for any kind of wood/bakelite Romanian furniture in...
(Found) -polish tantal 4 cell magazine pouch with the bipod holder -east german 4 cell magazine pouch
Looking for an MD 63 forward protruding dong. Not too concerned with condition or finish as long as it isn't broken. Thanks for looking
Looking for a dtk2L like the one pictured Thanks, William
I'm looking to buy either a cheap Philadelphia Derringer or a model 1849 pocket pistol. I don't really care what brand, I'm just looking for cheap...
Howdy all! I landed an SSO chest rig but it doesn't have a placard for the mags. I'd like to get one just like this attaching via molle, or in...
Looking to buy anything from a 1998 front trunnion all the way to a full kit. Dont be afraid to offer high dollar kits. Thanks!