The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


Looking for romanian Ak gas block with good finish and bayonet lug on it and a 14x1LH slant muzzle break
I’m on the hunt for an aluminum Russian waffle magazine. Please let me know if you have one for sell.
2 watching
I’ve always wanted an m70b1 kit and I’m finally biting the bullet. Anyone have one they are trying to get rid of before I buy one?
Looking at picking up some parts kits to build this year. Looking for stamped ak kits although I would pay a fair price for a Micro Galil/SAR kit...
Curious if anyone has Izhmash 9283 mold? Thanks
I'm looking to buy parts for my SAIGA conversion. I would like for all of them to be original Russian AK-100 parts. Does anyone have or know of...
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I'm looking to buy some mags compatible with a G19 Gen 3. I'm looking for any capacity stick mags so long as they're 15rds or more, a drum, or a...
Looking for Russian Izhmash AK-100 series front sight base.
I’m looking to purchase a mini beryl, it’s a grail gun of mine. I know that sounds silly but I have been looking for one.
I'm looking to finish my RPD and I just need the receiver and an FCG, but I'll worry about the FCG later. I'm looking for either enough pieces to...
Posting to see what's out there and if anyone has any ammo they would be willing to part with.
Looking for a Bulgarian ak74 thin stem bolt in 5.45x39 , whole assembly
Looking for a 7.62 40rd bake
Looking for a few cheap surplus pistol grip screws, don’t need to be pretty just not stripped. May also be interested in cheap grips as well...
I’m looking for both yugo and akm press plates. The forbus ones or the recreator ones or home made? Maybe someone else makes them that I don’t...
Looking for full set or pieces. Message me if you have any. Thanks
On the off chance someone has one before I give up and do something else I’d like to find one realistically priced 26mm block for my SBR build
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Looking for a PM90 kit, matching and in excellent condition. Thank you.
Hey long shoot, if anyone has the 22mm thread adapter for aims74. I know that have other adaptor but looking for the 14lh pitch.
Hello ! Im looking for a north korean upper handguard let me know if you can help me out thank you !
Looking for a North Korean Type 58 AK sling. I'm finally getting to build a NK Type 68 clone and need a sling. I had one that was stolen from me...
Looking for a RPK club foot stock for a project. I have a stamped receiver. Does not to be new…as long as it won’t break. Needs to have the sling...
Want to buy a Romy wire folding stock for my Sar 1 .my Wasr looks good with its dong set , need that same Romy vibe for my SAR.
4 watching
Looking for a fixed 10 rd fixed mag and blade bayonet for a russian sks, preferably russian, but if chicom will work I'd be interested. Also open...
Looking for 40 round Bakelite with steel feed lips or cool plums/ Bakelite mags with trench art
Looking for the rmr in preferably the triangle reticle but will consider others. Let me know the price
I'm looking for a Russian square accessory lug 90° gas block, like found on the SGL 21 or 31. New obviously preferred, but used is fine as long as...
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Hello everyone! I’m a gunsmithing student at Yavapai CTEC, I’m doing an RPD build this semester and in my ignorance the Atlantic kits exclude the...
No longer need the item that was here previously, cannot figure out how to delete the ad, if a mod sees this please delete it for me, thank you.
In need of an Orange Romy bake pistol grip. Also will buy dongs at a reasonable price if you got em.
I'm looking for a Master mount side rail. Hoping to find a used one for around $60 shipped. Thanks
Looking for these specific bayonets Russian 6x3 Russian Tula 6x4 East German 6x4 East German transitional 6x3 Yugo 6x4 Polish 6x3 Polish 6x4...
I'm just looking to see if anybody has one and what they'd be asking for it. Maxim/SB Tactical preferred, but I'm fine with Q as well. I have...
Looking to purchase 5.45 ammo and true black magazines. Let me know what you got. Thank you!
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Front trunnion cracked and broke on the bottom,now all my mags are wobbly from side to side and don't lock. It was modified on the front trunnion...
5 watching
Want to buy Rearden Blyat in 24x1.5 preferably in black
Looking to buy ribbed ak74 buttplate and screws. Doesn’t matter if Russian or bulgarian as long as it works on wood stocks.
Hello! I'm on the hunt for a used PK-A Venezuela before I go through the hassle of trying to source one from Belarus. Thanks!
Does anyone have a RPD drum hanger they’re willing to part with? Thanks
Looking for a Romanian RPK front trunnion to finish out a kit I have. Would offer between $100-$200.
1 watching
Looking for an unfired Vepr 12 or Vepr 47 (preferably ones with side folders)! Send me any offers of anything you are willing to sell. Thanks!
Looking for a Romanian hardwood lower hand guard I’ll pay top dollar for a never cracked - good condition - fairly dark - early one Not...
As the title describes, any available 5.56 AK of repute. I know I can buy em at a few sources, but I don't wanna pay all the extra fees if I don't...
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Looking to buy your krink wood, Bulgarian or Russian AKS-74u looking to spend around 200$
Looking to buy an OKP-7 primarily but open to other Russian optics
Hey y’all Looking for klesh 2 flashlight models or show me what you got. Price around $250 $300 or lmk thanks and have a good one
1. Looking for a NPAP front trunnion or a non bulge M70 trunnion 2. Yugo bolt carrier - bolt 3. Yugo trigger guard w selector stop 4. Yugo or T3...
Looking for any 7.62 mags, bakelite, surplus and circle 10s as well. Any and all mags too.
3 watching
Loooking to take off my thumbhole stock on mak 90 And put a tradition wood stock and grip on. Please let me know
Looking for an excellent condition gloss plum pistol grip.
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I'm looking for the worst nastiest sloppiest HK G36 demil job. I'm talking saw cut by a drunk and blindfolded hamster. No useable trunnions...
Looking for a decent condition polish fat grip. The more marbling and orange the better. Looking to have shipped to me at 27284. I can use just...
Looking to buy Belomo made PK-06 red dot. Starting offer of $350.
Looking for a 5.5mm side folding wood stock set, similar to what Soviet Stocks was selling. (Pic for attention)
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Just need a North Korean Sling and 30rd Magazine. Looking for a North Korean Sling, Magazine, and bayonet for my underfold kit. Let me know...
2 watching
Looking for a couple SAR magazines, not worried about look, just function. $25? Or so, not sure how much they go for now, please comment with what...
Looking for a padded RPK sling to buy. Single hook or double hook will do. $30 + shipping? Let me know what you got!
Looking to buy a surplus pulled Romanian Mod 63 barrel.
1 watching
Looking for a Galil quick detach bipod. Let me know what you have.
Looking for the following to complete my folder project with genuine T1 parts 1. Grip bracket 2. Rear sight block 3. Trigger guard 4. Late...
Not having much luck finding a nicely stamped selector for my SLR106. This is what mine looks like currently
Willing to pay $75 for a great condition, bright orange grip. Name your preferred method of payment.
hey all looking to buy 5.45 magazines im open to all circle 10's Izzys, tulas, molots, and East Germans. specifically plums and ribbed molots as...
Recently just purchased my first 5.45. Looking to buy a zenitco PT-5, bakelite, and plum mags.
Must be in excellent condition, no rust. Thank you.
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De-banning my NHM-90, and in need of the parts listed below. Willing to buy just one part, but if you have numerous parts on my list I'll gladly...
This is an item from CNC Warrior that is currently not produced, but if someone has one laying around I’d be very happy to purchase it...
Ideally looking for the specific Russian railed handguard pictured . Bottom and side rail, palm swell on both sides and a heat shield. Would...
(pic pulled from the files) I am looking for the fatty Bulgarian grip. They are almost octagonal, black, glossy, and have a circle 11 stamp. I...
Looking for a nice plum $75 or less shipped preferred but may pay a little more depending on condition.
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