The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


Tooth AKM trigger guard tool, Install your trigger guard easy peasy $110 Retail Trying to sell it for $85 shipped OBO
1 watching
1 NOS Plum 2 heavily used bakes. Bakes are shooter grade but fully functional. $190 shipped
4 watching
(2) Loaded Bulgarian AK74 magazines, has wolf in it. (1) Pufgun 60 rounder $70 shipped for everything PayPal G&S plus fees, cash app or Venmo
1 watching
I've got 6 Mags for sale. They all work as intended, they are a bit salty. They are all plums except the one bakelite. Two plums are scrubbed...
1 watching
Great condition $85 shipped take PP buyer pays fees, and others
1) Bulgarian hardwood lower handguard - 23.00 SOLD 2) Unknown hardwood/laminate handguard set - 29.00 SOLD 3) Romanian Draco style lower handguard...