The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


1) Polish Tantal Lower Bakelite Handguard $95 2) Original Polish Tantal Muzzle Brake $75 SPF's 3) Romanian Wood Handguard Set $35 SOLD GB 4)...
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What we have here today is a Russian military spec rear 5.5mm folding trunnion. $400 shipped Laminate stock set, matches pretty well, stock...
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Good Afternoon Combloc! Longtime lurker, first time seller here. I am currently selling the following items: A Zenitco AKM stock adapter that has...
NOTE! Located in the EU, so if you're in the US the shipping cost will be a bit higher. Selling a nice Izzy bayonet in good condition, and it has...
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1) Gorgeous Romanian Bakelite Grips $22 Each (4 available) 2) WBP 7.62 Bolt $52 3) Chinese 5-Round Magazines All have Made In China Floor-plates...
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Interested in selling both as a set. Selling these for cheaper than if bought individually. Shipping from Hawaii so probably like ~$10 to the...
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Complete set of cherry red laminate furniture. Ships out of Hawaii so ~10 shipping or so Great clean set for AK beginners. Already boxed up and...
1) Blue Russian OTK Stamped Sling $39 SOLD 2) Clombloc Stickers $2.50 Each SUPPORT THE SITE! 3) Galil ARM/SAR Wood Handguard $199.00 All prices...
1) Arsenal Krinkov Handguard Sets (stamped AKSU/Krinks $59 (2available) 2) Soviet USSR Era Pin/Badge Sets $9 (4 available) More sets if...
Manual is crumpled but still vivid not faded. Mags, bottle, cleaning kit, gas hole rod are all as new. Foam box has clear tape on it. Ships UPS...
1) AK-74 Front Sight 24x1 $70 SOLD 2) JMAC GBC 13 Combo $75 SOLD 3) WBP Gas Block $42 SOLD 4) 90 Degree Gas Block $25 5) New Carolina Shooter...
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Yugo m70 stock complete with all hardware 50 shipped Yugo m70/m90 quad rail handguards -25 shipped Yugo UHG-15 shipped Yugo surplus grip-10...
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WTS: A 1st Generation SSO Smersh PKM/Assault Rig in full, w/the 'small' PKM pouches that double as 4x AK Mag pouches. In all but new condition...
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1) Chinese Flatback AK-47 magazines with Chinese floor plates $22 2) Romy AIMS AK-74 Grips $32 Each (3 available) 1,3 SOLD 3) AK Rear trunnions...
Selling a brand new Kalashnicarver made, dong handguard (upper and lower) as well as a PKM stock (Warsaw length), stained in a gloss plum finish...
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Cleaning some items out, to make room so i can buy your junk. Prices are shipped, best off with buyers choice on payment. More pics upon request...
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Surplus plum ak stock set $250 shipped sold Polish fatty, beautiful shape, one small chip on top of right side $40 shipped Barreled VZ-61...
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Both Romanian Dong Ak wood sets #1 Romy G set is missing sling ring on stock. #2 Romy comes with pistol grip $200 each 🛳️ Or Both sets for $350 🛳️
AK Bayonets: all great condition 👍 1 Gone 2,4,5 Gone 3 available Polish
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1) Polish Tantal WZ.88 Lower Bakelite Handguard $95 2) Romanian Blonde Wood Handguard Set $37 SOLD 3) AK Wood Lot $42 SOLD 4) Support the Site...
Timestamp: (1) SOLD (2) SPB 1/2-28 0.280 bore ~ 100 rounds $75 > will include new 1/2-28 shim kit (3) FHD 14-1 LH 0.375 bore ~ 20 rounds $60...
1) Selling four sets of Soviet/USSR era badges and pins $9 per set plus shipping. I will combine shipping on multiple sets. Four sets available...
Selling a AK gas block. Selling for $40 plus $10 shipping. Condition is brand new.
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Took these off my ZPAP M70, has PU finish and is in excellent condition. Price includes shipping assuming you live in the contiguous United...
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1) AK-74 Front Sight 24x1 $70 SOLD 2) JMAC GBC 13 Combo $75 SOLD 3) 90 Degree Gas Block $35 4) WBP Gas Block $45 SOLD 5) New Carolina Shooter...
Romanian imc2 m69 trainer rifle parts. Upper trigger guard-12 shipped Lower trigger guard with screws-20$ shipped Trigger pack with screw-50 shipped
Good condition. Cashapp is $Yurii1991 price is shipped
1) Romanian Grips Top Row AIMS grips $28 Each Bottom Row very nice Red Romanian Grips $22 Each 2) WBP Polish Bolt As New $55 3) Polish Tantal...
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Good afternoon Comrades! Each sticker sale goes to expanding the website and adding new features. Stickers are $2.50 Each plus shipping...
6 watching
Galil Sar surplus handguard no ferrule 50$ shipped Yugo quad rail 40$ shipped Saiga .308 mag 20 shipped
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1) Bulgarian Hardwood Handguard Set W/ Gas Tube $55 SOLD 2) New ALG-EL W/ Lightning Bow Trigger $92 SOLD 3) Romy Blonde Wood HG Set $39 SOLD 4)...
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1) Blued Bulgarian Triangle Folding Stock 4.5mm $105 SOLD 2) Arsenal Stamped Krinkov HG's $59 3) Arsenal SAM5 Plum 100 rounds through it. KNS...
1) Lot of 3 AK Slant Brakes $10 each (3 available) 1 Set of 2 $7 2) Lot of 2 Muzzle Nuts $12 Each (2 available) 3) Romanian Wood Handguard set $39...
You would be surprised how nice it actually is quality wise. Price is shipped
1) Chinese Flatback 5 Round Magazines. All have the Made in China Floor plate. $22 EACH (5 available) 2) Circle 10 5.45 AK-74 Magazines $42 Each...
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Selling a small handmade Afghan rug I brought back, it is old and was heavily used and shows it. It is roughly 3’ x 2’. A cool piece to have...
1) Bulgarian Wood Stock and Matching Lower Handguard $85 SOLD 2) Romanian Wood Handguard Set $39 3) Polish (I think) Blonde Wood Handguard Set $55...
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1) Molot Russian RPK 40 round magazine $72 SOLD 2) Romanian Stamped RPK 40 round magazine $37 SOLD 3) Bulgarian Blonde AK-74 Stock $45 SOLD 4)...
Price is shipped willing to trade for other ak stuff
$160 includes the item, and shipping + insurance. Color - Serbian red, not too dark Varnish - Matte polyurethane for a slight but not extreme shine
Full-size Type 56 SKS spike bayonet, comes with mounting screw asking for $45 shipped
1) Circle 10 AK-74 5.45 Magazines $42 Each (2 available) SOLD 2) Galil Wood Handguard. Slight crack left side $199 3) Blue Maadi Grip $65 SPF's...
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Hello, Hurts to let this one go. Selling a arsenal-refurbished 1963 kit. This is from the first drop from AoA with the long stubs, both...
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220$ for the lot KNS Piston AGP-A-20L Large bore for arsenal rifles-SOLD Midwest industries Galil ace pistol handguard (twin opposing bolts model...
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1) Bulgarian AK-74 Wood Stock with hardware $45 SOLD 2) Romanian AIMS Grip $42 SOLD 3) Blumentarn East German 3-Cell AK pouch $42 SOLD All prices...
Selling a bunch of custom Yugo stuff I've done. Serb red sharkfin - 128 shipped Wooden grip inspired by the zastava grip, with new bolt* - 40...
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1) Norinco Chinese 66 Bakelite Magazines $279 plus ship BOTH SOLD 2) Maadi Blue Grip $70 plus ship 3) Circle 10 5.45 Ak-74 Magazines $42 each plus...
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Sold pretty frequently on Reddit combloc pm if u have any questions also have some 40 round bakes aswell
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Bought these and as cool as they are, I hate how annoying it makes removing the dustcover so I've decided to pass them on to someone else. 100...
Wooden upper handguard with retainer, not sure of origin but has a Z on the inside. $19 shipped
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Arsenal Circle 10 5 round 7.62x39 mags. Can sell separately for $30 a mag. Includes shipping.
B-West Import 75 round AK Drum. 7.62x39. Includes shipping.
Deleted member 400
Made in Italy double edged Italian OTF knife in overall very good condition, blade is still very sharp, lightly used, functions like it's supposed to.
Selling four sets of Soviet/USSR era badges and pins $9 per set plus shipping. I will combine shipping on multiple sets. Four sets available, and...
Sig minimalist mini $170 sold Kns ar to pic rail adapter $50 shipped Russian milled laminate stock $275 shipped Or as a set with...
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1) Rare Maadi Blue Grip $70 2) Circle 10 5.45 Magazines Mold #2 $43 Each (2 available) SOLD 3) Rare East German Blumentarn 3-Cell AK Pouch $42...
New 5.45 Circle 10 45 round magazines $80 shipped where legal.
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1000 rounds of 5.45x39 ammo-$525 shipped
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For amd clone? Price is shipped.
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Trijicon RMR 1MOA Lightly used, comes with metal plate $310 shipped PayPal G&S plus fees, Cashapp or Venmo.
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Evening Pretty simple one here folks. Got a few extra mags that need to be rehomed. All mags hold 30 rds, are in excellent to NOS condition...
1) Beautiful Polish Marbled "fattie" grip $44 plus ship SOLD 2) Pristine Polish Red "fattie" Grip $40 plus ship SOLD 3) Gorgeous Russian AK-47...
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1) Saiga style front sight base - 12.00 2) Stripped Romanian style front sight base - 12.00 3) Neutered/stripped AK47 front sight base - 13.00 4)...
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1) Romanian Draco style lower handguard - 16.00 2) Tapco Timbersmith lower grey laminate handguard - 14.00 3)Tapco Timbersmith lower handguards -...
Taken off my vz61 SBR. Standard barrel already installed and pinned - drop in for your vz61 build! The rear sight is missing the pin but your kit...
Summary: Minty WASR-10, 2020 production year, all features [~$700 value] RAK-1 trigger group Marbly dark Polish fat grip [~$35] Izzy NM+ AKM...
4 watching