The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


Polish Hardwood Pistol Grips Very good/good condition. Fabryka Broni Radom Armory (circle 11). $72 per one plus $8 for the ride. Crossposted...
NOS bakelite Polish Tantal lower Handguard, Fabryka Broni Radom Armory (circle 11). Unused mint milsurp. Fits all AKMs, 74s, Beryl and Tantal...
1 watching
Unfired brand new barrel 556- fully converted with bayonet lug. Includes all the goodies including fore and pistol grip, handguard, stock, and...
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Eotech 512 and G30. I am original owner of the 512, have box and all acc 2020 MFG date. G30 with ADM sts mount, mount has been cut to match...
Unfired m77 with m76 stock and SVD style flash hider $1000
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Shipped. Only wear is around battery cap and battery cap lanyard. Fully functional. See pic
Payment via Zelle or Paypal F&F Set of surplus Russian plum furniture. The pistol grip has some trench art with the Tuvan name "Mongush" scrawled...
Up for trade is a Bulgarian 74 built by Armory 219 in Valpo IN and a Bulgarian Makarov. Rifle is a non matching 89' kit (front trunnion and bolt...
Up for sale is an Arsenal SLR-100H. This rifle was built in the early 2000s by Gordon Technologies using a Hungarian AK55 parts kit on a Bulgarian...
I have another mag dump for you all today! As $7 flat rate shipping in all orders $45 (1) Bulgarian Circle 10 NOS $13 (9) New Bulgarian...
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Built by Deep River Customs in Spring Hill, FL, from a surplus Circle 11 Polish parts kit with original barrel, in great shape with plenty of life...
4 watching
Price is shipped and OBO so feel free to make an offer. Just making room in the safe. Cross-posted on the files. It's in great shape and...
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*All components in photo is included* plus ship
3 watching
Ended up building this. Marking as sold just so people don't think its available. Looking to sell this Circle 11 all matching kit from AoA...
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Prices shipped CONUS Meprolight MMx4 $270 Meprolight mx3-f (basically an eotech g33 oem but made for Meprolight) $350
WTS RS Regulate 312M rear biased lower + AKOT mini acog upper. Perfect for your primary arms prism or microprism The only difference between the...
NOS Beryl HG retainer. Fabryka Broni Radom Armory (circle 11). Unused milsurp. $200per one plus $8 for the ride NOS Beryl gas block with bayonet...
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NOS Polish PGs bakelite Fatties. Fabryka Broni Radom Armory (circle 11). Unused milsurp. $55 per one plus $8 for the ride. 3 gone 3 available
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Selling my excellent condition Woodland Hills import. All number matching. NOS maybe a mag fired through it. $2,300 OBO Or trade for gold, silver...
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Upper and lower handguard with both springs, unmarked gas tube. Oil bottle and bakelite bfpu grip. Not sure origin of parts. Grip and oil...
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Only shot it a handful of times. This is old production, not one of the more recent from Arsenal Only shot a handful of times, and comes with two...
Russian VKPO short sleeve shirt and boxers in size 48/3-4. These have been worn and washed. The left sleeve has unraveled a bit but looks to be...
WTS an Izzy 762x39 bakelite mag with steel reinforced feedlips. Mold 54 Crossposted 50 State friendly on shipping PayPal FF, Venmo or Cashapp...
FS: CNC Warrior AKM Pattern Folding Stock ($140): Galil-style tubular aluminum folding stock for AKM-pattern rifles & shotguns. "Pretty minty"...
Russian laminate furniture set. with wood grip.
3 watching
At KVAR for $50 but that seems excessive. Anybody got one they took off their SAM7 or SAM5 they’re willing to part with for maybe $30 shipped?
Selling two sealed spam cans of 7N6 ( 1080 rounds per can) for $595 each shipping included to lower 48 and will only comply with allowed states...
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NOS condition, only been inserted, has steel feed lips
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Wire folder: SOLD Titan tactical mount for Zenitco: SOLD Tailhook Mod 1C: SOLD RP-3 Charging handle: SOLD
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For sale is a lot of AK parts and accessories lot. Nearly all items are used. Combined shipping is encouraged. Post "I'll take____" below and...
6 watching
Baked goods sale Dong&Bakelite upper sold Bulgy Bakelite uppper sold Bulgy Bakelite Set 175 shipped I take Zelle preferred and paypal ff Let’s...
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WTS a couple of NOS Russian Molot 40 round bakelite mags. Crossposted 50 State friendly on shipping PayPal FF, Venmo or Cashapp Both are mold...
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Selling a Bulgarian Arsenal Four Piece Flash Hider in 7.62x39. Brand new. Was hoping to use this to make my sam7sf into a AR-M12F but I really...
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Set of (3) Bulgarian ((21)) mags in nice condition. (1) Black and (2) Tan Price drop $115 shipped for the lot that’s just slightly over $38 a...
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B-21L - SOLD Titan tactical aimpoint mount for Zenitco (optic not included) SOLD
Originally bought from APEX gun parts. I could only put 1 stock screw, the other two holes were not drilled correctly but i havent had any issues...
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Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred) SALE prices Up for sale are: a. Top load drum magazine follower...
Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic Payment method - Pay-Pal Up for sale is RPK / AK accessory set - 90$ each (2 Left) Shipping charge is 30$...
1 watching
Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic Payment method - Pay-Pal (F&F preferred) Up for sale are new old stock parts for Polish kbkg. AKGN wz.60...
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have 25 surplus polish steel mags asking 240$ shipped for all 25
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Shipped from Europe - Slovak Republic Payment method - PayPal (F&F preferred) Up for sale are two chinese stocks: - undrilled wooden fixed...
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Prices include shipping. PP F&F, Zelle or Venmo Ad is crossposted More pics: Pelican 1750 Foam $60 Original owner, low usage before I...
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Looking to sell a Soviet Arms SA-10U and SA-19 Hand-guard (lightly used). Feel free to reach out you have any questions or would like additional...
For sale! I prefer zelle for payment....PM any questions SOLD - 1. Bosnian 2 Rib - $150 shipped 2. Jmac Mak90 slant back m4 adapter- $65 shipped...
Polish Hardwood Pistol Grips Very good condition. Fabryka Broni Radom Armory (circle 11). $72 per one plus $8 for the ride.
This is a New Bulgarian AK-142B front sight / gas block combination. This is for the CR type compact AK pattern rifles like the AK-103, AK-104...
Fair/good condition ok -pistol grip base -pistol grip pin
Looking to re home this set of NVG's I've had for years, they work great. sorry my pictures are awful, trying to keep these powered up and take a...
1 watching
(1) East German Bakelite with 5.56 pod arms follower $80 (SOLD) (1) Tula Plum with 5.56 pod arms follower (plum next to bakelite) $75 (SOLD) (2)...
Hinge Block for milled receiver 18.5mm I.D. $65.- shipped Paypal F&F or Zelle
I have some used and NEW accessories for sale. I simply do not need these, nothing complicated. 1- JMac 360 M24-1.5 Face Keymount (KeyMicro)...
XTech MAG47 30rd magazines, new. These have the steel lugs and stainless spring. $40 shipped for the pair. E-payment via Zelle (preferred), Venmo...
1 watching
selling two slabs. Both have the wrong floor plate other than that great shape. 130 for the pair shipped
WTS some NOS Russian laminated wood Crossposted PayPal FF, Venmo or Cashapp Russian laminated wood pistol grip with Russian grip bolt $80...
WTS a 1968 Izzy kit build by Troy Sellers. RGUNS kit on a Childers receiver and Radom barrel. Comes with Mold 68 Izzy Bake, and Izzy Bayo. Not...
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Norinco 30 rd .223/.556 magazine. Made in china baseplate. Great condition. $130 shipped. I take Venmo or cash app thanks !
PayPal FF , Cashapp , Gpay . Priority Shipping included.
WTS some new old stock Russian Tula pistol grips. Crossposted PayPal FF, Venmo or Cashapp (1 available now) mold 1-1 (3 sold, 0 remaining)...
1 watching
East German canteen and cleaning kit Romy bake grip Dark green sling Asking $75 shipped obo PayPal ff, cashapp, Zelle. Crossposted. Ships Friday...
LMT battle sight set, NIB. Purchased in 2021, never used. Selling as a set, will not split. $180 shipped USPS.
WTS an Izzy and Tula 762x39 bakelite mag with rack numbers. Crossposted 50 state friendly on shipping PayPal FF, Venmo, or Cashapp $100 each...
Agilite k-zero multicam medium plate carrier $230 shipped, Includes buckles for placards (aftermarket add on) Deactivated post
Sealed can of 7n6 for sale. $650 + actual shipping to you. Also available, approximately 600 loose rounds of 7n6. $0.65 cpr plus actual shipping...
3 watching
Selling a Gen 3 TWS Dog Leg Rail used All items and instructions are together SOLD
Selling a size 1 Soviet KZS suit. $50 shipped US
Looking to sell a a two tone PA-63 + one mag today. These are 9mm Mak clones of the walther ppk, and built like tanks. Just cleaned it up and...
Looking to sell this nice wood furniture set. $135 shipped PPFF or CA
2 watching
Designed to be pinned on AK104 to bring OAL to just over 16in. True 4 piece cone design. Brand new never used. I don't think they make these...
Price is shipped to Conus. Price drop -$150-