The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


I’m interested in buying both a Tula bakelite and shiny Tula plum magazine. I’ve seen a few Tula bakelites pop up here, but they look to be pretty...
Looking for a low to no wear bulgarian bakielite upper handguard. Looking to spend $60-80 for it depending on the condition it’s is.
Please help me with my AKS-74 build and let me buy a salty Bakelite Tula or Izzy mag it don’t matter. Thanks guys pm me
Looking to buy this brace preferably with hardware for akv left side folding
Looking for a reweldable galil receiver with intact threads/locking lugs for a kit build.
PM me if you have one, and let us do some grippy bidness.
Doesn’t have to be pretty just has to be functional
Looking for a polish fatty grip if anyone has any
Deleted member 400
Want to buy Warsaw length 4.5mm buttstock in black or plum
This have been sold out a long time and was wondering if anybody out there still has one.
will go on a psa 47 gf3, as long as it'll hold zero
Deleted member 400
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Looking to buy your 5.45x39 and 7n6, my ak-74 is hungry needs to eat
Looking for the either ribbed or smooth tapco Intrafuse mags in orange. Would consider the smooth ones in black. can pay by PayPal G&S (no notes...
1 watching
Looking for bulk 762x39 soft point ammo just let me know what is available, also interested in any 7.62x39 ammo in general
Looking for either some Maadi AK mags (I know, long shot) or magazines that would fit a Maadi AK. Thanks!
Looking for a new old stock or like new Tula plum grip marked "6-2" "4-2" or "5-1" or anything similar to those mold numbers. Not looking for...
I have a custom AKM laminate wood stock. It was made for the uneven slant cut misr-90s and without a trap door, by iron wood designs. I have...
I’m looking for something very specific. I am looking for a scalloped unvented AK-74 upper handguard. It was only in use from late 83 to early 85...
looking for 1-2, comment or pm.
1 watching
Looking for a blondie...
Looking for an m92 handguard retainer after I made a huge mistake and chopped mine off to install another handguard that I no longer want on my rifle.
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Been looking for a B-18 and B-12 to finish a krink build, i know someone has one they don’t want lying around. Any color and price is negotiable
1 watching
Looking to get some RPD belts. I don't need the ammo cans that usually come with them. I just need the belts. If you have any you want to part...
I'm certainly willing to clean things up a bit but it needs to be complete and functional. Thanks!
Like the title says. I’m looking for an attero arms 510c optic mount. Thanks in advance.
Looking for an Izhmash 4.5mm rear folding trunnion, stock, and hardware to build a 1988 Izzy AKS-74.
1 watching
Looking for an RMP3 or AK74N Side Rail. PM me if you have one and have feedback references.
Looking for a set of SVD furniture - polymer or wood. Also looking for a Russian SVD Mag pouch.
Looking for a .223 Saiga. Converted or unconverted doesn’t matter.
Like the title says, looking for the rifle launched m66 or m68 Yugoslavian training grenades.
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Plenty of salt is fine by me! Price is negotiable based on condition.
Complete Bought a drum from Arms of America but my main spring was broken so I'm looking for a new one. I know Numrich some springs a few years...
Will pay around 100-125$ for them. The more flakes, the better. Let me know what you have and we can negotiate!
Searching for a DL-1.. help a bro out… name your price
Looking to buy a cheap sharkfin dong and cheese grater upper HG. Will be going on a BFPU build so condition doesn’t really matter. Thanks!
1 watching
Help me make my soon to arrive wbp jack look sexy please. Looking to pay about $36. Show me whatcha got
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Looking for a surplus Russian or Bulgarian 4.5mm rear trunnion. Surplus only. No commercial repros.
I’m looking for an ambi AK safety that has an extended “leg” for lefty thumb manipulation. The Krebs one seems to be the most popular but I’ve...
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Condition is important. PM please. No games fishing around for offers please. If you have the item, name your price.
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Looking to purchase a Maadi crutch folder and a Yugo M70B1 matching parts kits.
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Looking for Belomo PK-AS with camo cover, version pictured or side mount version
Looking for ribbed molot magazines for 5.45 and maybe 556. Especially the PLUMS. Let me know what you have and what you’re asking!
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Looking for a kr9 style grip.
I want one $150 or willing to bargain
Deleted member 400
Want to buy arsenal sam7sf two piece cleaning rod anyone have one hit me up
looking for Noricno 223 40rds mag
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I'd had one, but the USPS lost it on the way to me and I got an empty box and sadness. Please fill this empty space in my heart, and on the top of...
Looking for a 1P63 Obzor reflex sight or a 1P78 Kashtan 2.8x optic.
Complete!! I'm looking to purchase (or trade for) an SGL-31 rifle, fixed or folder. You must have established feedback for me to do business...
1 watching
Looking for a un-serialized Romanian Dust Cover. Looking for a 1970-1980 style cover.
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Preferably vented and preferably Hungarian. Thanks in advance.
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Eyes bad, irons suck. Please help me see targets. looking for the beryl top rail. Don't really mind which generation it is, weaver or pic. $200?
LMK what you have, can also offer trades! Looking for something like this or better
Down to throw down up to $200 depending on the model and condition. Help a brother out!
1 watching
As the title says. Looking for some M88A magazines. All sold out on Zastavas end as well as other distributors so here I am asking y'all if you...
As title suggests, I am looking to buy an OEM CZ Scorpion Evo 3 Stock
As said. Idk what the baseplates themselves are going for but just shoot me a reasonable offer and I’ll probably take it. Thanks y’all
Need an ak100 grip to finish conversion
Looking for a reverse dong, and its upper, for a project Please let me know what you have, must be a reverse / vertical dong.
Deleted member 400
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Looking to buy 5.45x39 ammunition, if anyone has any for sale loose ammo, bundles of 7n6, 20 or 30 round boxes of steel cased 5.45x39 ammo. Pm me...
2 watching
wtb, 14in model any color, pic rail attachments are a plus, $200-$275 for condition but we could always work something out!
I need a couple things for a Tabuk Carbine Build- Galil front sight-I have the gas block, just need the sight post/hood and the two screws. Id be...
Will pay 1200 to the first person to get me a green Zenitco top cover, just finished a build I waited forever to make just to find out my top...
Looking for pistol or rifle configuration , not abused $2000 and up depending on condition
As title suggests, I am looking to buy an OEM CZ Scorpion Evo 3 Stock
looking for a Maadi Handguard set. hit me up if your looking to move one. thanks
1 watching
Looking for Krink wood handguards. Either vented or non vented (would prefer non vented). Not too picky about condition. Looking to pay around...
Looking to buy a Romanian RPK rear trunnion or just an RPK rear trunnion in general. I know someone has to have one of these paying around...
1 watching
Looking for good original Maadi furniture set, do not need pistol grip.
Totally new to the 5.56 ak world. Looking to buy a clean Bakelite with a 5.56 follower (I think that’s what people do to 5.45 mags to get them to...
2 watching