The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


Just looking to buy some magazines not particular about color.
Looking to buy a pistol grip reinforcement plate for a ak100 series conversion. Around $50, or let me know what you have. Thanks
I would like to buy an OEM CZ Scorpion stock
Looking to buy a KNS Gas Piston AGP-A-4 sized for M92 PAP / Mini Jack don't care if it's used Let's see what you have - Pic for attention
I am not partial to horseshoe or crosshair reticle, but the green reticle is a must. TIA
Looking to finish saiga conversion and needing ak100 series trigger guard with dimpled mag release.
I’m not to savvy on the origins of the different types but I’m looking for Bakelite upper handguard, preferably the brighter reddish/orange color...
Looking for a sag chassis with 6 mlok slots. $650 and trades up as well
Looking to buy zenitco B-31s rail
Hello, Looking for the 24mm collar for Deadair Wolferine suppressor, please pm if you have willing to sell.
Looking for a plum grip and a russian bakelite grip for a couple builds thanks, also one or two plum mags
stock + handguard, the more trench art the better.
Looking to buy one stateside or from a reputable dealer. Looking for black. If you have one to sell shoot me a PM. Thanks.
Anyone have an extra they are willing to part with?
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Hello, WTB the following: "Asian Contract" AK sling "Asian Contract" bayonet "Asian Contract" 4-cell AK mag pouch Valmet commercial cleaning...
For 7.62x39. Looking for the commercial kit that was included with the M76 rifle, not the military version. PM please. Still on the hunt for this...
Lmk what you have. Any price
Bulgarian ARM9 furniture set and the Bulgarian 24mm front sight… I am looking! PM me with what you’ve got
got a sam7k with 1913 rail on the tang. let me know what kind of brace you have. ideally steel construction
Looking for a very good/refinished Romanian dong furniture set with stock and Bakelite grip. Preferably Romanian but fine with an American made dong.
Looking for an original type 1 AK barrel for a 1949 kit that I have.
Howdy! Looking to complete my 104ur build with these items! Show me what you got!
3 watching
Howdy, anybody out there sitting on a Magpul SL stock they are looking to get rid of?
Looking for either of these older 4.5mm AR stock adapters. Will spend ~$80-$120 depending on what you have. Thanks!
Looking for a stock and dong blasted with names on either or both. Thanks
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Looking for: 1. Bulgarian Type 3 Gas Block 2. Russian Type 3 Laminate Wood Stock Set
Deleted member 400
FOUND ONE!!! Want to buy a Zenitco b-30u hmu if you have one.
Hi all i'm looking to buy the M70 Bulged front/rear trunnion top cover and selector, since i cant find a parts kit online anywhere. From what i...
106 Wbp556 No wasr 3 Maybe a psa101SFS lmk what you got!
Wtb Bakelite mags any condition SFL preferred. Hmu !
Lemme know what you got thanks! Going on an SA 93, only need stock
WTB AK ALG trigger. looking for 2 of them. ideally looking to pay around $65~ but wanna see what’s out there!
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Looking for a Black carrier for 7.62x39 akm. Need it for a kns piston. Any help is appreciated. Looking to pay below $70 at least.
Looking to purchase the following Chinese 20 round mag variants… - star mag with notched feed lips - star mag with parallel horizontal ribs - 2...
Hi, looking to finish out an east german furniture kit, last part I need is the bakelite lower handguard. Attached is what I'm looking for, thanks!
Needing one for a conversion. Thanks
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ISO Bulgarian front trunnion bolt and bolt carrier. let me know what you have
Looking for a military model one but also interested in them all thanks and god bless
Hi all, I'm looking for a few specific disassembled PUFGUN magazines in 7.62x39 to be sent to Maryland. note: owning 10+ capacity magazines is...
Deleted member 400
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I want to buy your barwarus Zenitco style rails in black exactly as pictured
Looking for a box or two of copper washed Chinese 7.62x39. Let me know if you have any you’d like to sell!
Looking for polish bakelite fattys thanks :)
Looking for a full set of jungle green zenitco furniture. Not interested in black. Please send pictures and price willing to sell.
Looking to buy a Optic rail for the beryl either 1913 or weaver As well as a hand guard rail for it PayPal preferred
Looking for something similar to what is shown below.
Looking to buy your clear 20 round circle 10s
I'd like to buy a 7.62x39 bakelite magazine as well as a Russan Canvas AK sling to finish a build im currently doing. The origins, manufacturer...
Looking for one Izzy “UT” mold bakelite mag. I’d prefer it to be in excellent condition as I’m a collector. Please PM me if you have any you’d...
Just a fellow mag lover trying to grow my collection. These have been on the wishlist for a while. I see them come up every now and again, but I'm...
Just let me know a price, please and thank you
Lookin for a complete setup snagged one for 50 recently lookin maybe 50-80 not lookin to buy a parts kit
Looking for genuine brown Maadi military grip. Help me finally get my Maadi in its correct form!!
WTB Midwest Industries or RS Regulate rail mount for standard AK. Either full rail or forward bias.
Looking for the Saiga-specific version of this safety with the tension detent at the very tip. Will pay anything less than the $55 shipped price...
Looking to buy Polish polymer magazines with stamps/identifying marks (especially gen 1). Also looking for the green canvas 4 magazine with oil...
New or used lightly, all in the color black. Will need ample proof of ownership due to the increasing number of scam artists. B-30(U): $250 RP-1...
Looking for a romy cleaning rod (fit underfolder I think they’re all the same ) Also a cleaning kit And lmk what cheap Bakelite 7.62 mags are...
looking for an AKM Pic Gas Tube. I also happen to be in the market for a dong or wood Lowe hand-guard. I don’t mind if it’s beat up! Willing to...
Looking for the stock Polish FCG that came with the Beryl rifles. Paying what you’re asking.
1 watching
Looking for a 14.5mm Romanian gas block to complete a build
Looking to buy an orange Polish fatty grip
Looking for a Romy Top Loader follower. Thanks in advance!