The Combloc Pages

This is a combination of Gun Talk and Combloc Market.


Looking for 7N6M (post 1987 Russian 7N6), 7N10,7N22, 7N39. A man can dream right? Let me know if you have any thanks!
Looking for a new or like new Attero bravo mount. Also looking for a black in color rifle dynamics triangle pouch. Let me know if you have...
Looking to buy your repro rop30 Russian signal flares 2x
Anyone have some Sam series plum handguards that that don’t care for, I don’t care if they’re used and abused just don’t wanna pay $80 from kvar...
I don’t need much just looking for around 100-300 rounds.
Im looking for a russian stampd akm underfolding stock with 5 spot welds for the right price im willing to buy a 3 spot weld style too.will pay a...
Looking to buy a VEPR 1V RPK in 5.56, let me know what you have
Want to buy a Definitive Arms Lite Rail, if anyone has one they would be willing to let go of. New or used, not abused, is fine with me. Thx...
WTB a demil RPD receiver, preferably Polish. I'm not really interested in any flattened/bent ones, just cut
Looking to buy a new black zentico b10m with b19 combo.
Mainly looking for spare Lynx-12 Bolt Carriers and Bolts, left side or right side doesn't matter. I would also be interested in any other Lynx-12...
Chuck Danger
Looking to buy a 4.5 izzy folding trunnion to finish my 74 build.
Payment ready so let’s see what you’ve got
Hoping someone has one of these before I buy brand new, lightly used with all parts. Some salt is fine, any color is fine. PayPal ready.
Looking to obtain older yugo m70 surplus stock. Thanks!
Looking for a yugo slant brake and also a PSL side rail on fairly good condition. Thanks in advance
Looking for a surplus or black polymer AK74 stock. Needs to be a fixed stock. Salt is fine, and preferred for cost effectiveness. This is my...
wtb Romanian dong , send me what yall got !
Like I said. I want to buy an M72 sight leaf. Preferably without the block.
LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING to complete my T1 folder kit 1. Trigger guard 2. Grip bracket 3. Late production grip sides or a single LH side (late...
Looking for just the belt for a Grad-2 vest. May consider also the backpack if available.
Looking for a Izhmash 4.5 folder trunnion. Not a big concern if it has the stock or not.
Looking to buy upgraded KP "vityaz" firing pin
1 watching
Looking for new or used Sport 5 kit for RPK from zenitco
Preferably circle 10’s, beryl, or steel
Preferably the standard Soviet laminate, let me know what you have.
Sell me your b-13 little salt is fine, no spray paint ~$200
Looks like that Thank you
Draco 9S or Nak9 STinc Stizon kit or just the mag for either. AK Recoil Spring Front Guide & AK-47/74 Recoil Spring Retainer Atlantic Firearms...
Looking for a Romanian leather sling. Let me know what you have. Thanks, William
Looking to get a RPK-74 rear sight if anyone has one. Found one!!
Looking for an SVD flash hider w/bayonet lug for a Tigr conversion. Pm me offers
Looking for the South African style Rear handguard retainer specifically. I have PayPal & Zelle.
Looking for a Romanian 5.45 10 round steel double stack mag. PM me with some pics and price
Looking to buy a Romanian MD63 and Yugo M70AB1 parts kit. Let me know if you have one for a reasonable price.
Looking for one or maybe two Chinese checkered pistol grips ($70-$85?) and a underfolder stock kit for a Chinese milled rifle.
Looking for a beauty to add to the collection! Let me know what you got
Title is self explanatory. Feel free to shoot me a message. FOUND NO LONGER NEEDED
Anyone have one or two of these M70 style grips? I can’t find anyone still selling them.
Looking to buy some scrubbed plum mags. Preferably scrubbed plums that are still painted black. Thanks!
Looking to purchase or trade for Valmet M76 dust cover and pistol grip. Open to other Valmet rifle parts too. Please PM if you have parts to sell...
I'm looking to buy a VZ58 parts kit similar to the ones that came from AoA. I'm looking for a complete kit with a fixed beaver stock, pouch w/ 4...
Looking for one 14x1lh with detent if you have one let me know thanks 100 shipped
Wanting to buy one of these chest rigs. Prefer in the color green, but I'll take what I can get.
1 watching
Wanting a set, but will settle for just a rear band (already have a front band).
In search of a used or new SB Tactical 1913 Brace
I’m specifically looking for a modern m70 take off gas block not one with the grenade sight. Also looking for an M70 front sight block And a...
Any condition. Send pics and asking price. Thx. Feedback on files
Looking to buy a Bulgarian Krink wood handguard set. PM me with what you have.
Looking for a reasonably priced Yugo / Romanian / Chinese / Egyptian parts kit. Let me know if you have one you’d like to sale
Looking to buy a Russian 4.5mm triangle stock, no ribs. Izhmash preferred.
Looking to buy either of these optics. Lemme know if you’re carrying!
Looking for a nice EG brown plastic upper hand guard and brown plastic grip. Thanks.
Looking for an AUG NATO Stock. Any condition/color is fine. I do not need the trigger pack.
I'm looking for the spring that goes to this part on the trigger group. Of if any one can or knows someone who can make one.
Just looking for decent condition Egyptian maadi ak47 sling to buy.
Looking for the drippiest, but 'worst' red dot optic- the Kobra. Looking to spend around $300.
Looking to buy any upper and lowers, have pistol grip and stock already.
Does anyone have an extra? Or a source?
Looking for a hungarian ak-63f wood stock would like to have one of those recent ones with an Arabic rack number but that's not necessary.
I am looking for a hungarian fixed wood stock, like for a AK-63f
If you have one, with or without the sight hood, I'd be most interested in talking with you.
I am looking for these specific bayonets, I’m not interested in any others. As for what I’m looking for, I’m looking for NOS and numbers matching...
Looking for an excellent or very good condition Bulgarian AK74 trigger guard (flat mag catch style) and selector stop. No marring or rust on...