Selling an Eotech XPS2-0 with an Aux Loc (locks out the battery when not in use to avoid battery drain) and a TamFamGram FDE/Tan vinyl cover. Little salt, clean glass and dot, inspected on 1/31/2021. Comes with original box, sticker, etc.
$410 OBO
PayPal FF no notes ONLY unless different payment arrangements are discussed in private. Comment DIBS first, then PM me. Will wait up to 20 minutes for a PM/payment unless otherwise arranged, or it goes to the next guy. If you claim it and I don’t respond right away, I’m probably sleeping/working. It still goes to you and I’ll respond promptly. Cross posted so timestamp counts.
Selling an Eotech XPS2-0 with an Aux Loc (locks out the battery when not in use to avoid battery drain) and a TamFamGram FDE/Tan vinyl cover. Little salt, clean glass and dot, inspected on 1/31/2021. Comes with original box, sticker, etc.
$410 OBO
PayPal FF no notes ONLY unless different payment arrangements are discussed in private. Comment DIBS first, then PM me. Will wait up to 20 minutes for a PM/payment unless otherwise arranged, or it goes to the next guy. If you claim it and I don’t respond right away, I’m probably sleeping/working. It still goes to you and I’ll respond promptly. Cross posted so timestamp counts.